ДепартаментКогнитивна наука и психология
гл. ас. д-р Веселина Къдрева
гл. ас. д-р Веселина Къдрева
Департамент: Когнитивна наука и психология
Телефон: -
E-mail: vkadreva@nbu.bg
Приемно време: Вторник 15:30-18:30 416 I Корпус,Петък 11:30-12:30 416 I Корпус
Професионална автобиография:
Веселина Къдрева е асистент към ДКНП. Завършила е магистърска програма
„Когнитивна наука“ в Нов български университет. От 2015 г. до 2018 г. е редовен
докторант със стипендия в програма „Обща психология“ в НБУ. Научните интереси на
Веселина Къдрева са в областите на взeмане на решение и преценка, въздействие на
емоциите върху познавателните процеси, експериментална психология, ползваемост,
рекламно въздействие. В научно-изследователската си дейност използва поведенчески
експерименти, записи на очни движения и физиологични показатели.Участва в
международни проекти.
• 2014 – 2015 Intellectual Humility and Cultural Diversity in Philosophy: An Examination of the Extent and Implications of Cultural Diversity in Philosophical Intuition, 2012-2015, Rutgers University, John Templeton Foundation -The Science of Intellectual Humility Project.
• 2010 – 2012 SF-HEAT: A Sustainable Framework for Higher Education in Aeronautical Technologies, TEMPUS, 511022-TEMPUS-1-2010-1-LB-TEMPUS-JPCR.
„Когнитивна наука“ в Нов български университет. От 2015 г. до 2018 г. е редовен
докторант със стипендия в програма „Обща психология“ в НБУ. Научните интереси на
Веселина Къдрева са в областите на взeмане на решение и преценка, въздействие на
емоциите върху познавателните процеси, експериментална психология, ползваемост,
рекламно въздействие. В научно-изследователската си дейност използва поведенчески
експерименти, записи на очни движения и физиологични показатели.Участва в
международни проекти.
• 2014 – 2015 Intellectual Humility and Cultural Diversity in Philosophy: An Examination of the Extent and Implications of Cultural Diversity in Philosophical Intuition, 2012-2015, Rutgers University, John Templeton Foundation -The Science of Intellectual Humility Project.
• 2010 – 2012 SF-HEAT: A Sustainable Framework for Higher Education in Aeronautical Technologies, TEMPUS, 511022-TEMPUS-1-2010-1-LB-TEMPUS-JPCR.
• Rose, D., Machery, E., Stich, S., Alai, M., Angelucci, A., Berniunas, R., Buchtel, E., Chatterjee, A., Cheon, H., Cho, I.-R., Cohnitz, D., Cova, F., Dranseika, V., Lagos, A. E., Ghadakpour, L., Grinberg, M., Hannikainen, I., Hashimoto, T., Horowitz, A., Hristova, E., ... & Cohnitz, D. (2020). The Ship of Theseus Puzzle. Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy Volume 3, 3, 158-170.
• Cova, F., Olivola, C., Machery, E., Stich, S., Rose, D., Alai, M., Angelucci, A., Berniunas, Buchtel, E., Chatterjee, A., Cheon, H., Cho, I.-R., Cohnitz, D., Dranseika, V., Lagos, A., Ghadakpour, L., Grinberg, M., Hannikainen, I., Hashimoto, T., Horowitz, A., Hristova, E., Jraissati, Y., Kadreva, V., Karasawa, K., Kim, H., Kim, Y., Lee, M., Mauro, C., Mizumoto, M., Moruzzi, S., Ornelas, J., Osimani, B., Romero, C., Rosas, A., Sangoi, M., Sereni, A., Songhorian, S., Sousa, P., Struchiner, N., Tripodi, V., Usui, N., Mercado, A., Volpe, G., Vosgerichian, H., Zhang, X., Zhu, J. (2018). De Pulchritudine non est Disputandum? A cross?cultural investigation of the alleged intersubjective validity of aesthetic judgment. Mind and Language, 1–22. https://doi.org/10.1111/mila.12210
• Rose, D., Machery, E., Stich, S., Alai, M., Angelucci, A., Berniunas, R., Buchtel, E. E., Chatterjee, A., Cheon, H., Cho, I.-R., Cohnitz, D., Cova, F., Dranseika, V., Lagos, A. E., Ghadakpour, L., Grinberg, M., Hannikainen, I., Hashimoto, T., Horowitz, A., Hristova, E., Jraissati, Y., Kadreva, V., Karasawa, K., Kim, H., Kim, Y., Lee, M., Mauro, C., Mizumoto, M., Moruzzi, S., Olivola, C. Y., Ornelas, J., Osimani, B., Romero, C., Rosas Lopez, A., Sangoi, M., Sereni, A., Songhorian, S., Sousa, P., Struchiner, N., Tripodi, V., Usui, N., Vazquez del Mercado, A., Volpe, G., Vosgerichian, H. A., Zhang, X. and Zhu, J. (2017), Nothing at Stake in Knowledge*. Nous. doi:10.1111/nous.12211, 1 - 24
• Buchtel, E., Chatterjee, A., Cheon, H., Cho, I.-R., Cohnitz, D., Cova, F., Dranseika, V., Lagos, A., Ghadakpour, L., Grinberg, M., Hannikainen, I., Hashimoto, T., Horowitz, A., Hristova, E., Jraissati, Y., Kadreva, V., Karasawa, K., Kim, H., Kim, Y., Lee, M., Mauro, C., Mizumoto, M., Moruzzi, S., Olivola, S., Ornelas, J., Osimani, B., Romero, C., Lopez, A., Sangoi, M., Sereni, A., Songhorian, S., Sousa, P., Struchiner, N., Tripodi, V., Usui, N., del Mercado, A., Volpe, G., Vosgerichian, H., Zhang, X., Zhu, J. (2017). The Gettier Intuition from South America to Asia. Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 1-25.
• Rose, D., Machery, E., Stich, S., Alai, M., Angelucci, A., Berniunas, R., Buchtel, E. E., Chatterjee, A., Cheon, H., Cho, I.-R., Cohnitz, D., Cova, F., Dranseika, V., Lagos, A. E., Ghadakpour, L., Grinberg, M., Hannikainen, I., Hashimoto, T., Horowitz, A., Hristova, E., Jraissati, Y., Kadreva, V., Karasawa, K., Kim, H., Kim, Y., Lee, M., Mauro, C., Mizumoto, M., Moruzzi, S., Olivola, C. Y., Ornelas, J., Osimani, B., Romero, C., Rosas, A., Sangoi, M., Sereni, A., Songhorian, S., Sousa, P., Struchiner, N., Tripodi, V., Usui, N., del Mercado, A. V., Volpe, G., Vosgerichian, H. A., Zhang, X. and Zhu, J. (2017), Behavioral Circumscription and the Folk Psychology of Belief: A Study in Ethno-Mentalizing. Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, 6: 193–203. doi:10.1002/tht3.248
• Kadreva, V. & Hristova, E. (2016). Empathy and Moral Judgments in Trolley-like Dilemmas. Information Content and Processing, vol. 3, n. 2 (pp. 416 – 159). ISSN 2367-5128 (printed) ISSN 2367-5152 (online)
• Grinberg, M., Hristova, E., & Kadreva, V. (2016). Moral Judgments: Studying People with Helping Professions. In: Papafragou, A., Grodner, D., Mirman, D., & Trueswell, J.C. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 704 – 709). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. ISBN 978-0-9911967-3-9
• Hristova, E., Kadreva, V., & Grinberg, M. (2014). Moral Judgments and Emotions: Exploring the Role of ‘Inevitability of death’ and‘Instrumentality of harm’. In P. Bello, M. Guarini, M. McShane, & B. Scassellati (Eds.), Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 2381 - 2386). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. ISBN: 978-0-9911967-0-8.
• Hristova, E., Kadreva, V., & Grinberg, M. (2014). Emotions and Moral Judgment: A Multimodal Analysis. In Recent Advances of Neural Network Models and Applications (pp. 413-421). Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-04129-2.
• Cova, F., Olivola, C., Machery, E., Stich, S., Rose, D., Alai, M., Angelucci, A., Berniunas, Buchtel, E., Chatterjee, A., Cheon, H., Cho, I.-R., Cohnitz, D., Dranseika, V., Lagos, A., Ghadakpour, L., Grinberg, M., Hannikainen, I., Hashimoto, T., Horowitz, A., Hristova, E., Jraissati, Y., Kadreva, V., Karasawa, K., Kim, H., Kim, Y., Lee, M., Mauro, C., Mizumoto, M., Moruzzi, S., Ornelas, J., Osimani, B., Romero, C., Rosas, A., Sangoi, M., Sereni, A., Songhorian, S., Sousa, P., Struchiner, N., Tripodi, V., Usui, N., Mercado, A., Volpe, G., Vosgerichian, H., Zhang, X., Zhu, J. (2018). De Pulchritudine non est Disputandum? A cross?cultural investigation of the alleged intersubjective validity of aesthetic judgment. Mind and Language, 1–22. https://doi.org/10.1111/mila.12210
• Rose, D., Machery, E., Stich, S., Alai, M., Angelucci, A., Berniunas, R., Buchtel, E. E., Chatterjee, A., Cheon, H., Cho, I.-R., Cohnitz, D., Cova, F., Dranseika, V., Lagos, A. E., Ghadakpour, L., Grinberg, M., Hannikainen, I., Hashimoto, T., Horowitz, A., Hristova, E., Jraissati, Y., Kadreva, V., Karasawa, K., Kim, H., Kim, Y., Lee, M., Mauro, C., Mizumoto, M., Moruzzi, S., Olivola, C. Y., Ornelas, J., Osimani, B., Romero, C., Rosas Lopez, A., Sangoi, M., Sereni, A., Songhorian, S., Sousa, P., Struchiner, N., Tripodi, V., Usui, N., Vazquez del Mercado, A., Volpe, G., Vosgerichian, H. A., Zhang, X. and Zhu, J. (2017), Nothing at Stake in Knowledge*. Nous. doi:10.1111/nous.12211, 1 - 24
• Buchtel, E., Chatterjee, A., Cheon, H., Cho, I.-R., Cohnitz, D., Cova, F., Dranseika, V., Lagos, A., Ghadakpour, L., Grinberg, M., Hannikainen, I., Hashimoto, T., Horowitz, A., Hristova, E., Jraissati, Y., Kadreva, V., Karasawa, K., Kim, H., Kim, Y., Lee, M., Mauro, C., Mizumoto, M., Moruzzi, S., Olivola, S., Ornelas, J., Osimani, B., Romero, C., Lopez, A., Sangoi, M., Sereni, A., Songhorian, S., Sousa, P., Struchiner, N., Tripodi, V., Usui, N., del Mercado, A., Volpe, G., Vosgerichian, H., Zhang, X., Zhu, J. (2017). The Gettier Intuition from South America to Asia. Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 1-25.
• Rose, D., Machery, E., Stich, S., Alai, M., Angelucci, A., Berniunas, R., Buchtel, E. E., Chatterjee, A., Cheon, H., Cho, I.-R., Cohnitz, D., Cova, F., Dranseika, V., Lagos, A. E., Ghadakpour, L., Grinberg, M., Hannikainen, I., Hashimoto, T., Horowitz, A., Hristova, E., Jraissati, Y., Kadreva, V., Karasawa, K., Kim, H., Kim, Y., Lee, M., Mauro, C., Mizumoto, M., Moruzzi, S., Olivola, C. Y., Ornelas, J., Osimani, B., Romero, C., Rosas, A., Sangoi, M., Sereni, A., Songhorian, S., Sousa, P., Struchiner, N., Tripodi, V., Usui, N., del Mercado, A. V., Volpe, G., Vosgerichian, H. A., Zhang, X. and Zhu, J. (2017), Behavioral Circumscription and the Folk Psychology of Belief: A Study in Ethno-Mentalizing. Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, 6: 193–203. doi:10.1002/tht3.248
• Kadreva, V. & Hristova, E. (2016). Empathy and Moral Judgments in Trolley-like Dilemmas. Information Content and Processing, vol. 3, n. 2 (pp. 416 – 159). ISSN 2367-5128 (printed) ISSN 2367-5152 (online)
• Grinberg, M., Hristova, E., & Kadreva, V. (2016). Moral Judgments: Studying People with Helping Professions. In: Papafragou, A., Grodner, D., Mirman, D., & Trueswell, J.C. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 704 – 709). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. ISBN 978-0-9911967-3-9
• Hristova, E., Kadreva, V., & Grinberg, M. (2014). Moral Judgments and Emotions: Exploring the Role of ‘Inevitability of death’ and‘Instrumentality of harm’. In P. Bello, M. Guarini, M. McShane, & B. Scassellati (Eds.), Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 2381 - 2386). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. ISBN: 978-0-9911967-0-8.
• Hristova, E., Kadreva, V., & Grinberg, M. (2014). Emotions and Moral Judgment: A Multimodal Analysis. In Recent Advances of Neural Network Models and Applications (pp. 413-421). Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-04129-2.