ДепартаментКогнитивна наука и психология
доц. д-р Пенка Христова
доц. д-р Пенка Христова
Департамент: Когнитивна наука и психология
Телефон: -
E-mail: phristova@cogs.nbu.bg
Приемно време: Понеделник 14:45-15:45 414А I Корпус,Вторник 8:30-9:30 414А I Корпус,Вторник 13:00-14:30 414А I Корпус,Сряда 11:15-12:45 414А I Корпус,Сряда 8:30-9:30 414А I Корпус
Професионална автобиография:
Пенка Христова има магистърска степен по Когнитивна наука и докторска степен по Обща психология от Нов български университет. Тя преподава курсове по когнитивна психология и изследователски методи, както за образователно-квалификационната степен бакалавър и магистър, така и за образователно и научната степен доктор. Изследователските й интереси и научни публикации са в областта на разсъжденията по аналогия и репрезентирането на релационни понятия. По-конкретно, тя изучава (1) доколко съпоставянето по аналогия, кодирането и откриването на релационна информация зависи от наличните когнитивни ресурси, (2) как е репрезентирана релационната информация в дългосрочната памет и (3) как емоциите променят когнитивните механизми на разсъжденията по аналогия. В изследванията си залага предимно на поведенчески експерименти с измерване на време на реакция и d’.
Участвала е в научни и образователни проекти, в които търси приложение на своята научноизследователска работа като цели да подпомогне изграждането на т.нар. „преносимо знание“ чрез релационни разсъждения.
Penka Hristova is an associate professor of Cognitive Psychology at New Bulgarian University. She holds a Master's degree in Cognitive Science and a PhD in General Psychology. She teaches courses in cognitive psychology, thinking, memory and research methods both at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Her main research interests are in the cognitive mechanisms underlying analogy-making, relational representation and categorisation. Specifically, she focuses on (1) studying cognitively demanding analogical mapping, relational priming, and relational encoding as key subprocesses for analogies, (2) searching for the LTM representational substrate that drives analogies, and (3) looking at the influence of emotions on the underlying mechanisms of analogy making. In her research, she favours behavioural experiments using simple measures such as accuracy, RT, and d'. Her applied work is primarily in educational psychology (primary and secondary education), seeking to improve the acquisition of transferable knowledge and advance high-level reasoning as a form of relational reasoning. She has participated in several international research projects and co-authored articles on analogical reasoning and educational psychology.
Участвала е в научни и образователни проекти, в които търси приложение на своята научноизследователска работа като цели да подпомогне изграждането на т.нар. „преносимо знание“ чрез релационни разсъждения.
Penka Hristova is an associate professor of Cognitive Psychology at New Bulgarian University. She holds a Master's degree in Cognitive Science and a PhD in General Psychology. She teaches courses in cognitive psychology, thinking, memory and research methods both at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Her main research interests are in the cognitive mechanisms underlying analogy-making, relational representation and categorisation. Specifically, she focuses on (1) studying cognitively demanding analogical mapping, relational priming, and relational encoding as key subprocesses for analogies, (2) searching for the LTM representational substrate that drives analogies, and (3) looking at the influence of emotions on the underlying mechanisms of analogy making. In her research, she favours behavioural experiments using simple measures such as accuracy, RT, and d'. Her applied work is primarily in educational psychology (primary and secondary education), seeking to improve the acquisition of transferable knowledge and advance high-level reasoning as a form of relational reasoning. She has participated in several international research projects and co-authored articles on analogical reasoning and educational psychology.
Hristova, P., Koltcheva, N., & Mateeva, A. (2024). Promoting relational thinking in preschoolers (ages 3–5) through participatory science learning: insights from RMTS with Roma children. In Frontiers in Education (Vol. 9, p. 1298337). Frontiers Media SA.https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2024.1298337
Popov, V., Hristova, P., & Anders, R. (2017). The Relational Luring Effect: Retrieval of relational information during associative recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 146(5), 722-745. ISSN 0096-3445.
Hristova, P. (2017). Can we think unconsciously via analogy? In Radman Z. (Eds) Before Consciousness: In search of the Fundamentals of Mind, UK: Imprint Academic, 206-225, ISBN 9781845409203.
Popov, V. & Hristova, P. (2015). Unintentional and efficient relational priming. Memory & Cognition, 46(6), vol. 43, no. 6, 866-878, ISSN 1532-5946.
Kokinov, B., Hristova, P.(2012). Conscious and Unconscious Processes in Human Thinking, In Larrszabal (ed.), Cognition, Reasoning, Emotion, and Action CogSc-12.University of the Basque Country Press, 75-85, ISBN 978 84 9860 746 8
Hristova, P., and Kokinov, B. (2011). Anxiety fosters relational encoding, In Kokinov, B., Karmiloff-Smith, A., and Nersessian, N., editors, European Perspectives on Cognitive Science, NBU Series in Cognitive Science, Sofia. New Bulgarian University Press. ISBN 978-954-535-660-5.
Hristova, P. (2009). People in Negative Mood May See Relations Where People in Positive Mood May Not, In B. Kokinov, K. Holyoak & D. Gentner (Eds.), New Frontiers in Analogy Research. Sofia, Bulgaria: NBU Series in Cognitive Science, 204–210, ISBN: 9789545355806
Hristova, P. (2009) Unintentional and unconscious analogies between superficially dissimilar but relationally similar simple structures, In Kokinov, B., Holyoak, K., Gentner, D. (eds.). New Frontiers in Analogy Research. Sofia: NBU Press, 193–203, ISBN: 9789545355806
Hristova, P., Petkov, G., & Kokinov, B. (2007). Objective vs. subjective scales: the challenge that the scale type poses to the JUDGEMAP model of context-sensitive judgment. In the International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context (pp. 263-276). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, ISSN 0302-9743.
Kokinov, B., Hristova, P., and Petkov, G. (2004). Does Irrelevant Information Play a Role in Judgment? In: Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ, 720-725. ISBN-13: 978-0805854640.
Hristova, P., Koltcheva, N., & Mateeva, A. (2024). Promoting relational thinking in preschoolers (ages 3–5) through participatory science learning: insights from RMTS with Roma children. In Frontiers in Education (Vol. 9, p. 1298337). Frontiers Media SA.https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2024.1298337
Popov, V., Hristova, P., & Anders, R. (2017). The Relational Luring Effect: Retrieval of relational information during associative recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 146(5), 722-745. ISSN 0096-3445.
Hristova, P. (2017). Can we think unconsciously via analogy? In Radman Z. (Eds) Before Consciousness: In search of the Fundamentals of Mind, UK: Imprint Academic, 206-225, ISBN 9781845409203.
Popov, V. & Hristova, P. (2015). Unintentional and efficient relational priming. Memory & Cognition, 46(6), vol. 43, no. 6, 866-878, ISSN 1532-5946.
Kokinov, B., Hristova, P.(2012). Conscious and Unconscious Processes in Human Thinking, In Larrszabal (ed.), Cognition, Reasoning, Emotion, and Action CogSc-12.University of the Basque Country Press, 75-85, ISBN 978 84 9860 746 8
Hristova, P., and Kokinov, B. (2011). Anxiety fosters relational encoding, In Kokinov, B., Karmiloff-Smith, A., and Nersessian, N., editors, European Perspectives on Cognitive Science, NBU Series in Cognitive Science, Sofia. New Bulgarian University Press. ISBN 978-954-535-660-5.
Hristova, P. (2009). People in Negative Mood May See Relations Where People in Positive Mood May Not, In B. Kokinov, K. Holyoak & D. Gentner (Eds.), New Frontiers in Analogy Research. Sofia, Bulgaria: NBU Series in Cognitive Science, 204–210, ISBN: 9789545355806
Hristova, P. (2009) Unintentional and unconscious analogies between superficially dissimilar but relationally similar simple structures, In Kokinov, B., Holyoak, K., Gentner, D. (eds.). New Frontiers in Analogy Research. Sofia: NBU Press, 193–203, ISBN: 9789545355806
Hristova, P., Petkov, G., & Kokinov, B. (2007). Objective vs. subjective scales: the challenge that the scale type poses to the JUDGEMAP model of context-sensitive judgment. In the International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context (pp. 263-276). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, ISSN 0302-9743.
Kokinov, B., Hristova, P., and Petkov, G. (2004). Does Irrelevant Information Play a Role in Judgment? In: Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ, 720-725. ISBN-13: 978-0805854640.