ДепартаментКогнитивна наука и психология
доц. д-р Надя Колчева
доц. д-р Надя Колчева
Департамент: Когнитивна наука и психология
Телефон: nkoltcheva@nbu.bg
E-mail: nkoltcheva@nbu.bg
Приемно време: Сряда 12:00-13:00 414А I Корпус,Сряда 14:30-16:30 414А I Корпус,Четвъртък 12:00-13:00 414А I Корпус
Професионална автобиография:
Основни изследователски интереси в областа на: психология на развитието, развитие в ранна и предучилищна възраст, психодиагностика, адаптация и стандартизация на психологически инструменти, стимулиране на развитието в ранна и предучилищна възраст, развитие на социални и емоционални умения.
Since 2008 Registered Psychologist
Identification Number BG-RP 0331
Bulgarian Psychological Society
European Federation of Psychologists' Associations
2006 - 2008 Master Degree, Human Resource Management and Development
School of Management, New Bulgarian University
Master Thesis: Development and Training of Human Recourses in Higher Education Institutions (University Teachers). European Practices Comparative Analysis
2002 - 2006 Ph.D., General Psychology (Experimental Psychology), 05.06.01
Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Department “General, Experimental and Developmental Psychology”
Doctoral Thesis: Psychological Assessment of Children with and without Deficits in Development (Adaptation and Standardization of a Test Battery for Early Child Development - DAYC (Developmental Assessment of Young Children)
2000 - 2001 Master Degrees in Psychology - Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Social and Ogranizational Psychology,
Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Department “General, Experimental and Developmental Psychology”
Master Thesis: Impact of Childrearing Strategies on Child Aggressive Behaviour
1996 – 2000 Bachelor Degree in Psychology,
Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Department “General, Experimental and Developmental Psychology”
Arabic, Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”
1994 - 1995 Law, University “Al - Fatah”, Tripoli
1993 – 1994 Arabic, University “Al - Fatah”, Tripoli
1992 – 1993 The College of the US Aggression Martyrs, Tripoli, High School
2019 Visiting Lecturer, ISMAI, Porto, Portugal
2007 Visit Researcher, (invitation from LATEU)
University of Southampton, LATEU, Southampton, UK
2007 UNESCO Research Fellowship for Bulgaria, 2007,
RISBO, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
2005 Research Fellowship, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland
Department of Developmental Psychology
Additional Qualifications. Courses:
2016 WISC-IV Training Course, OS Bulgaria
2016 How to Write and Publish Your Scholarly Paper, Sofia, Bulgaria
2015 MMPI-2 Training Course, prof. Marco Giannini
2012 Statistical Methods in Psychology – Ideology and Interpretation, EuroPLAT Course
2012 Active Methods in Psychology: group dynamic identity, discourse analysis, EuroPLAT Course
2011 Applied Behavioral Analysis: White Swallow among methods for working with autistic children in Bulgaria, lecturer Veneta Dimitrova (certified behavioural analyst), organizers “Step for the Invisible Children of Bulgaria” and the National Palace of Culture
2011 Regional training of university teachers in the project “Schools without discrimination” training seminar, Module for university teachers, Commission for Defense of Discrimination, Sofia
2011 Emotional Intelligence, Student Union, NBU
2010 Course: Family, Art-Therapeutic Psycho-Social Interventions And Prevention (Project „Psycho-social Prevention and Consolidation of Mental Health of Children in Risk”)
2009 Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy in Psychosis, dr. Antonio Pinto
2009 Mindfulness – Meditation Technique in Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy, dr. Fabricio Didonna
2008 „Forum Theatre” – Method for Social Inclusion, Poduri, Latvia
2007 - 2008 Increasing The Capacity Of Educational Advisors For Individual Work With Children In The School Environment
Module I - Case Assessment And Work Plan
Module II - Psychosocial Support for Children Victims of Abuse, Neglect or Domestic Violence
Module III - Psychosocial Support for Children Victims of Sexual Abuse
Module IV - Teamwork And Multidisciplinary Team
2007 Media and Active Citizenship, Shannon, Ireland
2006 How to Work on Projects and to Teach Adults, Bonn, Germany
2005 Roots - Nature as a Method of Working with Young Kalkalpen, Austria
Natural Resources - Nature as a Method of Working with Young Haygenberg, Austria
2005 Training for Youth Organizations from Southeastern and Central Europe, Bonn, Germany
2003 Training Module “Introduction to Systems Approach and Work with Families”
2003 Training for Conducting a Training Course “Social Psychology and Psychology of Communication”
2002 Specialized Course for Doctoral Candidates (Academic English, Research Methodology, Computer Technologies)
2001 Interactive Group for Personal Experience
2000 Course “Human Rights and Diversity in Bulgaria”
2000 Course for Applying Wechsler Children Intelligence Test (HAWIK-R 1983), Bulgarian Standardization
1999 - 2001 Training For Trainers
Trainer of a Personal-Dynamic Training
Professional Experience:
2009 till now Senior Assistant
Department of Cognitive Science and Psychology
New Bulgarian University
Research and lecturing
Main courses: Developmental Psychodiagnostics, Psychodiagnostics: Children, Developmental Psychology, Developmental Psychopathology, Social Development, Educational Psychology, Working with Children with Special Educational Needs, etc.
2018 till now Educator
Human Contact
Trainings for educators, teachers, experts working with children and youth
2018 till now Educator
Cripto Energy
Trainings for educators, teachers, experts working with children and youth
2017 till now Participating Member
Center for the Study of Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection
University of Connecticut, USA
2017 till now Trainer of specialists (preschool teachers, psychologists, mainstream teachers, etc.) from the educational system in Bulgaria
All the training programs are approved by the Ministry of Education and Science in Bulgaria.
Trainings in different types of developmental disorders and how to work with children with developmental disorders (Autism Spectrum Disorders, Intellectual Disabilities, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, etc.), aggression and bullying in school, diagnostic of children, prevention strategies in school, children’s social and emotional skills, etc.
2016 till now Expert, clinical research
MedAvante-ProPhase, Inc., USA
2015-2016 Key Researcher
“Study of Bulgarian and Swedish adolescents”, in cooperation with Center for Primary Health Care Research (CPF), University of Lund, Sweden
2015 Key Expert, Trainer
“Organizing and conducting specialized training to enhance the skills and professionalism of the 300 employees of the Employment Agency on “Working with difficult clients and customers with specific needs” project BG051PO002 / 14 / 2.2-16 “Competent and effective state administration” Operational program “Administrative capacity”, co-funding by the European Union through the European Social Fund
2013 Key Expert
Conducting a national screening of children aged 3 to 3.6, training of experts, data analysis - project BG051RO001-4.1.07 “Inclusive education”, Operational Program “Human Resources Development 2007-2013”, “Screening test selection, training of speech therapists and psychologists conducting the screening test and analysis of the results”
2013 - 2014 Key Expert
Development of a national screening test for children aged 3 to 3.6, UNICEF project
The screening test is recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science in Bulgaria as a mandatory tool for all children at age of 3 in the preschool education system.
2007 - 2014 Early Childhood Development Expert
UNICEF Bulgaria and IINCH-Bulgarian Academy of Science
Development of “National Standards for Early Childhood Development and Learning (0-3 years)”
The “National Standards for Early Childhood Development and Learning (0-3 years)” are recognized by the Ministry of Health as a national framework for all children between 0-3 years of age in Bulgaria. It can be used by early childhood specialists, psychologists, pediatricians, paraprofessionals, parents, etc.
2012 – till now Expert
Roma children assessment of development
Child center, Foundation Health and Social Development
2012 Expert
Development of and conducting a training course for elementary and high school teachers “Hyperactive and aggressive behavior in school-aged children”, “The child with SEN - personality respected by adults and peers”, Operational Program “Human Resources Development 2007-2013”, financed by the European EU Social Fund, Pernik
2010 till now Lecturer
Industrial Chamber, Vratsa and Vocational Training Centre at New Bulgarian University Courses - Pedagogical Psychology, Psychology of Communication, Evaluation with Tests in School, Work with Children with Special Educational Needs in School
2011 Trainer
Bultest Standard Ltd.
Training course for school teachers “Successful psychological and pedagogical techniques in primary school”
2009 - 2013 Director of Bachelor Program „Psychology“
Department of Cognitive Science and Psychology
New Bulgarian University
2009 Researcher
Assessment Center
New Bulgarian University
- Development of a system for appraisal of university teachers
- Quality of education
- Quality of teaching
- Development of and conducting a training “Basic teaching skills”
2008 - 2009 Specialist
Department “Quality Assurance”
New Bulgarian University
- Development of a system for appraisal of academics
- Quality of education
- Quality of teaching
2008 External Evaluator
Department “Structure Funds and International Educational Programmes”
Ministry of Education and Science, Bulgaria
Grant scheme for direct provision of financial assistance, Operational Program “Human Resources Development”: Development of a System for Assessing the Quality of Secondary Education and a Rating System for Higher Education in Bulgaria
2007 - 2008 Consultant
Assessment Center
New Bulgarian University
- Quality assurance in Education
- Development of Attestation and Evaluation Systems for the university teachers
- Training for Basic Teaching Skills (Dr Maarten Van de Ven, RISBO, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands)
2007 Researcher
RISBO Institute
Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Research Topic: International Research on University Teacher’s Training in Europe
2006 - 2009 Expert
General Directorate “Execution of Sentences”
Development of tests for selection and evaluation of officers and sergeants
2006 - 2007 School Psychologist, Consultant
134 Mainstream School “Dimcho Debelianov”, Sofia
- Psychological Consulting
- Training of high school students
- Conducting surveys with students
- Assessment of school readiness of children for first grade
2005 – 2008
Projects expert and coordinator
Sofia University, Faculty of Primary and Preschool Education
2005 - 2013 Assistant professor
Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”, Faculty of Primary and Preschool Education, Department of Special Education
- Intellectual Disabilities
- Psychodiagnostic and Assessment
- Psychology of Abnormal Development
2005 - 2006 Member of Advisory Board of Education
Sofia Municipality
2006 Human Resources Specialists
Human Resource Department, R-Team Company
2003 – 2013 Assistant Professor
Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Department “General, Experimental and Developmental Psychology”.
- Psychological Measurement
- Experimental Psychology
- Psychodiagnostic of Children and Youths Development
- General, experimental and educational psychology
2001 - 2005 Consultant in Human Resource Department - Trainer, Training Groups (Psychodynamic Training, Communicative Skills, Motivation, etc.)
2003 - 2005 Psychologist
National Palace of Children
Consulting children, youth and parents
2002 - 2005 Psychologist, Partner
“ALFA TM” Counseling company
2002 - 2003 Clinical Psychologist
6th School for Children with Special Needs, Sofia
Consulting children, youth and parents
1999 – 2004 Psychologist
Child Resource Center, Faculty of Primary and Preschool Education,
Sofia University
Consulting children, youth and parents, Working with children with different types of deficits
2001 - 2005 Consultant in Human Resource Department - Trainer, Training Groups (Psychodynamic Training, Communicative Skills, Motivation, etc.)
2000 – 2008 Trainings:
- Training for trainers, 2008, Varna
- Training - Communication Skills, Work Motivation, Job Analysis of Work Situation, etc., 2001 - 2005, Sofia
- Training in Social Skills for High School Students, National School of Science and Mathematics, 2003, Sofia
- Training for Teachers and School Counsellors in Skills and Strategies for Dealing with Aggressive Behavior and Violence in Schools, supported by the Syndicate of Bulgarian Teachers, 2000, Bankia
2000 – 2001 High School Teacher - Psychology, Logic, Ethics, Law
114 MSS “Leaders of the Bulgarian National Revival”
2000 – 2001 School psychologist and Trainer (under supervision)
National Mathematics High School “Acad. Lyubomir Tchakalov”
1999 – 2004 Psychologist
Child Resource Center, Faculty of Primary and Preschool Education, Sofia University
Working with children with special needs and their parents, psychodiagnostic and therapeutic individual and group work
1999 – 2001 Psychologist (under supervision)
Child Resource Center, Faculty of Primary and Preschool Education, Sofia University
1998 – 2000 Psychologist (under supervision)
Clinic of Child Psychiatry “St. Nicholas”
University Hospital “Alexandrovska”
2007 Research Grant
UNESCO Fellowships Programme in support of Priority Programme Areas (2006-2007)
Request No. 417-2 (BULGARIA)
2002 Scholarship for participation in Summer School for doctoral students, (15.09. – 29.09.2002), Albena, Open Society Foundation
2000 – 2001 Scholarship for individual project – “Styles of Parenting in Case of Autistic and Mentally Retarded Children”, Open Society Foundation
1999 – 2000 Scholarship for an individual project – “The impact of Childrearing Strategies on Bullying and Aggressive Behavior in Children”, Open Society Foundation
1996 – 2001 Scholarships for Excellence, Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”
2018 - till now
President-Elect of International Society of Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection
Member of Alliance for Early Childhood Development, Bulgaria
2012 – till now Member of International Society of Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection
2015 – till now Member of the expert committee of the Ministry of Education and Science for assessment of CEEPUS networks, assessor
2011 – 2013 Member of Eurodoc Survey Workgroup, EURODOC
2010-2012 Chairwoman of Eurodoc Survey Workgroup, EURODOC
2009 - 2010 Vice President, EURODOC
Member of Eurodoc Survey Workgroup, EURODOC
2007 - 2013 EURODOC, Member, Representative for Bulgaria
Since 2005 Bulgarian Psychological Society, Member
2005 - 2007 Bulgarian Psychological Society
Coordinator of Department of School Psychology
2005 - 2006 Member of Community Centre for Prevention, Sofia City Municipality
2005 - 2008 EAEA (European Association for Education of Adults)
Contact Person for Federation of Organizations for Spread of Knowledge
Since 2003 Bulgarian Association of Applied Psychology,
Coordinator of Department for Children and Youth with Special Needs
Since 2002 Association of Doctoral Students in Bulgaria, Member
2000 – 2005 Association of Young Psychologists in Bulgaria “4-th of April”, Chairwoman
1998 - 2007 Association of Young Psychologists in Bulgaria “4-th of April”, Member
2002 - 2005 Member of the editorial board of “Psychological Newspaper”
Since 2000 Expert and coordinator in international projects, European programs Socrates-Grundtvig, Socrates-Erasmus, Youth, Leonardo da Vinci, Phar, European Networks, national projects (Open Society Foundation), etc.
Some of the projects:
• 2021 – 2023 - STEAM+ "STEAM Skills Development in Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe” 2020-1-HU01-KA227-SCH-094051 (2021-2023)
• 2020 – 2023 - COMMUNITIES FOR SCIENCES (C4S) Towards promoting an inclusive approach in Science Education, Horizon, Call H2020-SwafS-2019-2-two-stage
• 2020 – 2023 - Студентски практики – фаза 2 – 2020 – 2023, Проект BG05M2OP001-2.013-0001 на МОН „Студентски практики – фаза 2“, финансиран по Оперативна програма „Наука и образование за интелигентен растеж 2014 – 2020 г.“ чрез Европейския социален фонд на Европейския съюз
• 2019 – 2021 - “Social and Emotional Skills Development in Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe”, EU-SELF, 2019-1-BG01-KA201-062593
• 2019 – 2022 - Gamified Career Guidance: Promoting Meaningful and Participative Career Construction and Vocational Development through a Gamified Digital Platform, G-Guidance, 2019-1-PT01-KA201-060839
• 2019 – 2021 - READ – Ready to read (2019-1-HU01-KA201-061099)
• 2019-2020 - “Study of Bulgarian and Swedish adolescents”, in cooperation with Center for Primary Health Care Research, University of Lund, Sweden, a coordinator
• 2018 – 2020 - FINE! Food and Nutrition In ECEC (2018-1-HU01-KA201-047760), Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships for school education - Exchange of Good Practices
• 2016 - 2018 - BG05M20P001-2.002-0001 "Student’s Internship - Phase 1" (2016-2018), Funded by Operational Program „Human Resources Development”, co-funded by the European Social Fund, expert
• 2015 - 2017 – „Know-how centre for alternative childcare: counselling, research, advocacy and training to ensure the safety of children in the process of deinstitutionalization“ funded by OAK Foundation, leader of a team
• 2014-2016 - “Study of Bulgarian and Swedish adolescents”, in cooperation with Center for Primary Health Care Research, University of Lund, Sweden, a researcher
• 2015 - “Organizing and conducting specialized training to enhance the skills and professionalism of the 300 employees of the Employment Agency on “Working with difficult clients and customers with specific needs” project BG051PO002 / 14 / 2.2-16 “Competent and effective state administration” Operational program “Administrative capacity”, co-funding by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Key Expert, Trainer
• 2013-2014 - Project „Student practices“, BG 051PO001-3.3.07-0002. Funded by Operational Program „Human Resources Development”, co-funded by the European Social Fund, expert
• 2013-2016 - Suspending the Process of Marginalization of the Roma in the City of Kyustendil, Bulgaria through creating a Model for Suspending Roma Exclusion through Community Development, The VELUX Foundations, Know-how centre for alternative care for children, New Bulgarian University, 2013-2016
• 2013–2014 - BG051RO001-4.1.07 “Inclusive education” under the Operational Program “Human Resources Development 2007-2013” with subject: “Selecting a screening test, training of speech therapists and psychologists conducting the screening test and analysis of the results”
• 2007 - 2014 - "National standards for early childhood development and learning (from birth to three years)," UNICEF Bulgaria and the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria, expert
• 2013 - Development of a national screening test for children aged 3 to 3.6 on, UNICEF, 2013
• 2012-2015 - “Trauma, Trust and Memory”, International research project, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) under the program „Academic Reconstruction of Southeast Europe“
• 2009-2012 - EuroPLAT – European Psychology Learning and Teaching, European Commission Lifelong Learning Program, Erasmus Academic Network
• 2012 - Project “The child with SEN - personality respected by adults and peers”, Operational Program “Human Resources Development” 2007-2013, co-financed by the European Social Fund of the EU, Pernik, Bulgaria
• 2008 - Method „Forum Theatre“ Podur, Latvia, Youth Program
• 2008 - Study visit, Kokkola, Finland, Youth Program
• 2007 - 2011 – “The status of PhD students and young scientists in Europe. A Research Project”, an internal project of Eurodoc
• 2007 - Research Projects UNESCO Fellowships Program in support of Priority Program Areas (2006-2007) Request No. 417-2 (BULGARIA)
• 2007 - 2009 - Development of a network of vocational training centres and training of young people with disabilities and resource teachers for integrated pupils with special educational needs, Phare
• 2007 – “All is Love“ Youth and Love, Klaipeda, Lithuania, Youth Program
• 2007 - Media and Active Citizenship, Shannon, Ireland Youth Program
• 2007 - Activities to build partnerships, Livno, Bosnia and Herzegovina, YOUTH program
• 2006 - Credit-points „Europe“: European standards for credit points systems in vocational education and training, Leonardo
• 2006 - Education in the third degree, Graz, Austria, Youth Program
• 2006 – „The Feminine“, Passau, Germany, Youth Program
• 2006 – „Experience in Integration“, Guimaraes, Portugal, Youth Program
• 2006 – „How to Work on Projects and to Train Adults“, Bonn, Germany, Youth Program
• 2006 – „Journey of Hope“, Bilecik, Turkey, Youth Program
• 2006 – “Park of Peace and Freedom“, Youth for Peace, Kas, Turkey Youth Program
• 2005 - 2008 - NETTLE - Network of European Tertiary Level Educators, Erasmus Networks
• 2005 - 2007 - Pro-SAL - "Professional Administrative Support for Adult's Learning", Grundtvig 1
• 2005 - 2008 - ELTAE - European Lingua Trainer in Adult Education
• 2005 – „Natural Wealth“ - Nature as a method of working with young people Haygenberg, Austria, Youth Program
• 2005 – „Roots - nature as a method of working with young people“, Kalkalpen, Austria, Youth Program
• 2005 - Europe and the Balkans, September Bonn, Germany Youth Program
• 2004 - 2006 - I AM 2003 - Inclusive Adult Education Model, Grundtvig 1
• 2004 – „Children and young people with disabilities“, Polish Association for Persons with Disabilities, Krakow, Poland, Youth Program
• 2004 – “The education system in France“, Marseille, France, Youth Program
• 2004 – „Sport and training for people with disabilities”, Limassol, Cyprus Youth Program
• 2000 - 2001 – „The styles of education of parents of children with autism and mental retardation“, Individual Project, funded by Open Society Foundation
• 1999 - 2000 – “Impact of parental styles of education on the aggressive behaviour of children“, Individual Project, funded by Open Society Foundation
• etc.
Since 2008 Registered Psychologist
Identification Number BG-RP 0331
Bulgarian Psychological Society
European Federation of Psychologists' Associations
2006 - 2008 Master Degree, Human Resource Management and Development
School of Management, New Bulgarian University
Master Thesis: Development and Training of Human Recourses in Higher Education Institutions (University Teachers). European Practices Comparative Analysis
2002 - 2006 Ph.D., General Psychology (Experimental Psychology), 05.06.01
Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Department “General, Experimental and Developmental Psychology”
Doctoral Thesis: Psychological Assessment of Children with and without Deficits in Development (Adaptation and Standardization of a Test Battery for Early Child Development - DAYC (Developmental Assessment of Young Children)
2000 - 2001 Master Degrees in Psychology - Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Social and Ogranizational Psychology,
Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Department “General, Experimental and Developmental Psychology”
Master Thesis: Impact of Childrearing Strategies on Child Aggressive Behaviour
1996 – 2000 Bachelor Degree in Psychology,
Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Department “General, Experimental and Developmental Psychology”
Arabic, Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”
1994 - 1995 Law, University “Al - Fatah”, Tripoli
1993 – 1994 Arabic, University “Al - Fatah”, Tripoli
1992 – 1993 The College of the US Aggression Martyrs, Tripoli, High School
2019 Visiting Lecturer, ISMAI, Porto, Portugal
2007 Visit Researcher, (invitation from LATEU)
University of Southampton, LATEU, Southampton, UK
2007 UNESCO Research Fellowship for Bulgaria, 2007,
RISBO, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
2005 Research Fellowship, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland
Department of Developmental Psychology
Additional Qualifications. Courses:
2016 WISC-IV Training Course, OS Bulgaria
2016 How to Write and Publish Your Scholarly Paper, Sofia, Bulgaria
2015 MMPI-2 Training Course, prof. Marco Giannini
2012 Statistical Methods in Psychology – Ideology and Interpretation, EuroPLAT Course
2012 Active Methods in Psychology: group dynamic identity, discourse analysis, EuroPLAT Course
2011 Applied Behavioral Analysis: White Swallow among methods for working with autistic children in Bulgaria, lecturer Veneta Dimitrova (certified behavioural analyst), organizers “Step for the Invisible Children of Bulgaria” and the National Palace of Culture
2011 Regional training of university teachers in the project “Schools without discrimination” training seminar, Module for university teachers, Commission for Defense of Discrimination, Sofia
2011 Emotional Intelligence, Student Union, NBU
2010 Course: Family, Art-Therapeutic Psycho-Social Interventions And Prevention (Project „Psycho-social Prevention and Consolidation of Mental Health of Children in Risk”)
2009 Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy in Psychosis, dr. Antonio Pinto
2009 Mindfulness – Meditation Technique in Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy, dr. Fabricio Didonna
2008 „Forum Theatre” – Method for Social Inclusion, Poduri, Latvia
2007 - 2008 Increasing The Capacity Of Educational Advisors For Individual Work With Children In The School Environment
Module I - Case Assessment And Work Plan
Module II - Psychosocial Support for Children Victims of Abuse, Neglect or Domestic Violence
Module III - Psychosocial Support for Children Victims of Sexual Abuse
Module IV - Teamwork And Multidisciplinary Team
2007 Media and Active Citizenship, Shannon, Ireland
2006 How to Work on Projects and to Teach Adults, Bonn, Germany
2005 Roots - Nature as a Method of Working with Young Kalkalpen, Austria
Natural Resources - Nature as a Method of Working with Young Haygenberg, Austria
2005 Training for Youth Organizations from Southeastern and Central Europe, Bonn, Germany
2003 Training Module “Introduction to Systems Approach and Work with Families”
2003 Training for Conducting a Training Course “Social Psychology and Psychology of Communication”
2002 Specialized Course for Doctoral Candidates (Academic English, Research Methodology, Computer Technologies)
2001 Interactive Group for Personal Experience
2000 Course “Human Rights and Diversity in Bulgaria”
2000 Course for Applying Wechsler Children Intelligence Test (HAWIK-R 1983), Bulgarian Standardization
1999 - 2001 Training For Trainers
Trainer of a Personal-Dynamic Training
Professional Experience:
2009 till now Senior Assistant
Department of Cognitive Science and Psychology
New Bulgarian University
Research and lecturing
Main courses: Developmental Psychodiagnostics, Psychodiagnostics: Children, Developmental Psychology, Developmental Psychopathology, Social Development, Educational Psychology, Working with Children with Special Educational Needs, etc.
2018 till now Educator
Human Contact
Trainings for educators, teachers, experts working with children and youth
2018 till now Educator
Cripto Energy
Trainings for educators, teachers, experts working with children and youth
2017 till now Participating Member
Center for the Study of Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection
University of Connecticut, USA
2017 till now Trainer of specialists (preschool teachers, psychologists, mainstream teachers, etc.) from the educational system in Bulgaria
All the training programs are approved by the Ministry of Education and Science in Bulgaria.
Trainings in different types of developmental disorders and how to work with children with developmental disorders (Autism Spectrum Disorders, Intellectual Disabilities, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, etc.), aggression and bullying in school, diagnostic of children, prevention strategies in school, children’s social and emotional skills, etc.
2016 till now Expert, clinical research
MedAvante-ProPhase, Inc., USA
2015-2016 Key Researcher
“Study of Bulgarian and Swedish adolescents”, in cooperation with Center for Primary Health Care Research (CPF), University of Lund, Sweden
2015 Key Expert, Trainer
“Organizing and conducting specialized training to enhance the skills and professionalism of the 300 employees of the Employment Agency on “Working with difficult clients and customers with specific needs” project BG051PO002 / 14 / 2.2-16 “Competent and effective state administration” Operational program “Administrative capacity”, co-funding by the European Union through the European Social Fund
2013 Key Expert
Conducting a national screening of children aged 3 to 3.6, training of experts, data analysis - project BG051RO001-4.1.07 “Inclusive education”, Operational Program “Human Resources Development 2007-2013”, “Screening test selection, training of speech therapists and psychologists conducting the screening test and analysis of the results”
2013 - 2014 Key Expert
Development of a national screening test for children aged 3 to 3.6, UNICEF project
The screening test is recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science in Bulgaria as a mandatory tool for all children at age of 3 in the preschool education system.
2007 - 2014 Early Childhood Development Expert
UNICEF Bulgaria and IINCH-Bulgarian Academy of Science
Development of “National Standards for Early Childhood Development and Learning (0-3 years)”
The “National Standards for Early Childhood Development and Learning (0-3 years)” are recognized by the Ministry of Health as a national framework for all children between 0-3 years of age in Bulgaria. It can be used by early childhood specialists, psychologists, pediatricians, paraprofessionals, parents, etc.
2012 – till now Expert
Roma children assessment of development
Child center, Foundation Health and Social Development
2012 Expert
Development of and conducting a training course for elementary and high school teachers “Hyperactive and aggressive behavior in school-aged children”, “The child with SEN - personality respected by adults and peers”, Operational Program “Human Resources Development 2007-2013”, financed by the European EU Social Fund, Pernik
2010 till now Lecturer
Industrial Chamber, Vratsa and Vocational Training Centre at New Bulgarian University Courses - Pedagogical Psychology, Psychology of Communication, Evaluation with Tests in School, Work with Children with Special Educational Needs in School
2011 Trainer
Bultest Standard Ltd.
Training course for school teachers “Successful psychological and pedagogical techniques in primary school”
2009 - 2013 Director of Bachelor Program „Psychology“
Department of Cognitive Science and Psychology
New Bulgarian University
2009 Researcher
Assessment Center
New Bulgarian University
- Development of a system for appraisal of university teachers
- Quality of education
- Quality of teaching
- Development of and conducting a training “Basic teaching skills”
2008 - 2009 Specialist
Department “Quality Assurance”
New Bulgarian University
- Development of a system for appraisal of academics
- Quality of education
- Quality of teaching
2008 External Evaluator
Department “Structure Funds and International Educational Programmes”
Ministry of Education and Science, Bulgaria
Grant scheme for direct provision of financial assistance, Operational Program “Human Resources Development”: Development of a System for Assessing the Quality of Secondary Education and a Rating System for Higher Education in Bulgaria
2007 - 2008 Consultant
Assessment Center
New Bulgarian University
- Quality assurance in Education
- Development of Attestation and Evaluation Systems for the university teachers
- Training for Basic Teaching Skills (Dr Maarten Van de Ven, RISBO, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands)
2007 Researcher
RISBO Institute
Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Research Topic: International Research on University Teacher’s Training in Europe
2006 - 2009 Expert
General Directorate “Execution of Sentences”
Development of tests for selection and evaluation of officers and sergeants
2006 - 2007 School Psychologist, Consultant
134 Mainstream School “Dimcho Debelianov”, Sofia
- Psychological Consulting
- Training of high school students
- Conducting surveys with students
- Assessment of school readiness of children for first grade
2005 – 2008
Projects expert and coordinator
Sofia University, Faculty of Primary and Preschool Education
2005 - 2013 Assistant professor
Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”, Faculty of Primary and Preschool Education, Department of Special Education
- Intellectual Disabilities
- Psychodiagnostic and Assessment
- Psychology of Abnormal Development
2005 - 2006 Member of Advisory Board of Education
Sofia Municipality
2006 Human Resources Specialists
Human Resource Department, R-Team Company
2003 – 2013 Assistant Professor
Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Department “General, Experimental and Developmental Psychology”.
- Psychological Measurement
- Experimental Psychology
- Psychodiagnostic of Children and Youths Development
- General, experimental and educational psychology
2001 - 2005 Consultant in Human Resource Department - Trainer, Training Groups (Psychodynamic Training, Communicative Skills, Motivation, etc.)
2003 - 2005 Psychologist
National Palace of Children
Consulting children, youth and parents
2002 - 2005 Psychologist, Partner
“ALFA TM” Counseling company
2002 - 2003 Clinical Psychologist
6th School for Children with Special Needs, Sofia
Consulting children, youth and parents
1999 – 2004 Psychologist
Child Resource Center, Faculty of Primary and Preschool Education,
Sofia University
Consulting children, youth and parents, Working with children with different types of deficits
2001 - 2005 Consultant in Human Resource Department - Trainer, Training Groups (Psychodynamic Training, Communicative Skills, Motivation, etc.)
2000 – 2008 Trainings:
- Training for trainers, 2008, Varna
- Training - Communication Skills, Work Motivation, Job Analysis of Work Situation, etc., 2001 - 2005, Sofia
- Training in Social Skills for High School Students, National School of Science and Mathematics, 2003, Sofia
- Training for Teachers and School Counsellors in Skills and Strategies for Dealing with Aggressive Behavior and Violence in Schools, supported by the Syndicate of Bulgarian Teachers, 2000, Bankia
2000 – 2001 High School Teacher - Psychology, Logic, Ethics, Law
114 MSS “Leaders of the Bulgarian National Revival”
2000 – 2001 School psychologist and Trainer (under supervision)
National Mathematics High School “Acad. Lyubomir Tchakalov”
1999 – 2004 Psychologist
Child Resource Center, Faculty of Primary and Preschool Education, Sofia University
Working with children with special needs and their parents, psychodiagnostic and therapeutic individual and group work
1999 – 2001 Psychologist (under supervision)
Child Resource Center, Faculty of Primary and Preschool Education, Sofia University
1998 – 2000 Psychologist (under supervision)
Clinic of Child Psychiatry “St. Nicholas”
University Hospital “Alexandrovska”
2007 Research Grant
UNESCO Fellowships Programme in support of Priority Programme Areas (2006-2007)
Request No. 417-2 (BULGARIA)
2002 Scholarship for participation in Summer School for doctoral students, (15.09. – 29.09.2002), Albena, Open Society Foundation
2000 – 2001 Scholarship for individual project – “Styles of Parenting in Case of Autistic and Mentally Retarded Children”, Open Society Foundation
1999 – 2000 Scholarship for an individual project – “The impact of Childrearing Strategies on Bullying and Aggressive Behavior in Children”, Open Society Foundation
1996 – 2001 Scholarships for Excellence, Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”
2018 - till now
President-Elect of International Society of Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection
Member of Alliance for Early Childhood Development, Bulgaria
2012 – till now Member of International Society of Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection
2015 – till now Member of the expert committee of the Ministry of Education and Science for assessment of CEEPUS networks, assessor
2011 – 2013 Member of Eurodoc Survey Workgroup, EURODOC
2010-2012 Chairwoman of Eurodoc Survey Workgroup, EURODOC
2009 - 2010 Vice President, EURODOC
Member of Eurodoc Survey Workgroup, EURODOC
2007 - 2013 EURODOC, Member, Representative for Bulgaria
Since 2005 Bulgarian Psychological Society, Member
2005 - 2007 Bulgarian Psychological Society
Coordinator of Department of School Psychology
2005 - 2006 Member of Community Centre for Prevention, Sofia City Municipality
2005 - 2008 EAEA (European Association for Education of Adults)
Contact Person for Federation of Organizations for Spread of Knowledge
Since 2003 Bulgarian Association of Applied Psychology,
Coordinator of Department for Children and Youth with Special Needs
Since 2002 Association of Doctoral Students in Bulgaria, Member
2000 – 2005 Association of Young Psychologists in Bulgaria “4-th of April”, Chairwoman
1998 - 2007 Association of Young Psychologists in Bulgaria “4-th of April”, Member
2002 - 2005 Member of the editorial board of “Psychological Newspaper”
Since 2000 Expert and coordinator in international projects, European programs Socrates-Grundtvig, Socrates-Erasmus, Youth, Leonardo da Vinci, Phar, European Networks, national projects (Open Society Foundation), etc.
Some of the projects:
• 2021 – 2023 - STEAM+ "STEAM Skills Development in Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe” 2020-1-HU01-KA227-SCH-094051 (2021-2023)
• 2020 – 2023 - COMMUNITIES FOR SCIENCES (C4S) Towards promoting an inclusive approach in Science Education, Horizon, Call H2020-SwafS-2019-2-two-stage
• 2020 – 2023 - Студентски практики – фаза 2 – 2020 – 2023, Проект BG05M2OP001-2.013-0001 на МОН „Студентски практики – фаза 2“, финансиран по Оперативна програма „Наука и образование за интелигентен растеж 2014 – 2020 г.“ чрез Европейския социален фонд на Европейския съюз
• 2019 – 2021 - “Social and Emotional Skills Development in Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe”, EU-SELF, 2019-1-BG01-KA201-062593
• 2019 – 2022 - Gamified Career Guidance: Promoting Meaningful and Participative Career Construction and Vocational Development through a Gamified Digital Platform, G-Guidance, 2019-1-PT01-KA201-060839
• 2019 – 2021 - READ – Ready to read (2019-1-HU01-KA201-061099)
• 2019-2020 - “Study of Bulgarian and Swedish adolescents”, in cooperation with Center for Primary Health Care Research, University of Lund, Sweden, a coordinator
• 2018 – 2020 - FINE! Food and Nutrition In ECEC (2018-1-HU01-KA201-047760), Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships for school education - Exchange of Good Practices
• 2016 - 2018 - BG05M20P001-2.002-0001 "Student’s Internship - Phase 1" (2016-2018), Funded by Operational Program „Human Resources Development”, co-funded by the European Social Fund, expert
• 2015 - 2017 – „Know-how centre for alternative childcare: counselling, research, advocacy and training to ensure the safety of children in the process of deinstitutionalization“ funded by OAK Foundation, leader of a team
• 2014-2016 - “Study of Bulgarian and Swedish adolescents”, in cooperation with Center for Primary Health Care Research, University of Lund, Sweden, a researcher
• 2015 - “Organizing and conducting specialized training to enhance the skills and professionalism of the 300 employees of the Employment Agency on “Working with difficult clients and customers with specific needs” project BG051PO002 / 14 / 2.2-16 “Competent and effective state administration” Operational program “Administrative capacity”, co-funding by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Key Expert, Trainer
• 2013-2014 - Project „Student practices“, BG 051PO001-3.3.07-0002. Funded by Operational Program „Human Resources Development”, co-funded by the European Social Fund, expert
• 2013-2016 - Suspending the Process of Marginalization of the Roma in the City of Kyustendil, Bulgaria through creating a Model for Suspending Roma Exclusion through Community Development, The VELUX Foundations, Know-how centre for alternative care for children, New Bulgarian University, 2013-2016
• 2013–2014 - BG051RO001-4.1.07 “Inclusive education” under the Operational Program “Human Resources Development 2007-2013” with subject: “Selecting a screening test, training of speech therapists and psychologists conducting the screening test and analysis of the results”
• 2007 - 2014 - "National standards for early childhood development and learning (from birth to three years)," UNICEF Bulgaria and the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria, expert
• 2013 - Development of a national screening test for children aged 3 to 3.6 on, UNICEF, 2013
• 2012-2015 - “Trauma, Trust and Memory”, International research project, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) under the program „Academic Reconstruction of Southeast Europe“
• 2009-2012 - EuroPLAT – European Psychology Learning and Teaching, European Commission Lifelong Learning Program, Erasmus Academic Network
• 2012 - Project “The child with SEN - personality respected by adults and peers”, Operational Program “Human Resources Development” 2007-2013, co-financed by the European Social Fund of the EU, Pernik, Bulgaria
• 2008 - Method „Forum Theatre“ Podur, Latvia, Youth Program
• 2008 - Study visit, Kokkola, Finland, Youth Program
• 2007 - 2011 – “The status of PhD students and young scientists in Europe. A Research Project”, an internal project of Eurodoc
• 2007 - Research Projects UNESCO Fellowships Program in support of Priority Program Areas (2006-2007) Request No. 417-2 (BULGARIA)
• 2007 - 2009 - Development of a network of vocational training centres and training of young people with disabilities and resource teachers for integrated pupils with special educational needs, Phare
• 2007 – “All is Love“ Youth and Love, Klaipeda, Lithuania, Youth Program
• 2007 - Media and Active Citizenship, Shannon, Ireland Youth Program
• 2007 - Activities to build partnerships, Livno, Bosnia and Herzegovina, YOUTH program
• 2006 - Credit-points „Europe“: European standards for credit points systems in vocational education and training, Leonardo
• 2006 - Education in the third degree, Graz, Austria, Youth Program
• 2006 – „The Feminine“, Passau, Germany, Youth Program
• 2006 – „Experience in Integration“, Guimaraes, Portugal, Youth Program
• 2006 – „How to Work on Projects and to Train Adults“, Bonn, Germany, Youth Program
• 2006 – „Journey of Hope“, Bilecik, Turkey, Youth Program
• 2006 – “Park of Peace and Freedom“, Youth for Peace, Kas, Turkey Youth Program
• 2005 - 2008 - NETTLE - Network of European Tertiary Level Educators, Erasmus Networks
• 2005 - 2007 - Pro-SAL - "Professional Administrative Support for Adult's Learning", Grundtvig 1
• 2005 - 2008 - ELTAE - European Lingua Trainer in Adult Education
• 2005 – „Natural Wealth“ - Nature as a method of working with young people Haygenberg, Austria, Youth Program
• 2005 – „Roots - nature as a method of working with young people“, Kalkalpen, Austria, Youth Program
• 2005 - Europe and the Balkans, September Bonn, Germany Youth Program
• 2004 - 2006 - I AM 2003 - Inclusive Adult Education Model, Grundtvig 1
• 2004 – „Children and young people with disabilities“, Polish Association for Persons with Disabilities, Krakow, Poland, Youth Program
• 2004 – “The education system in France“, Marseille, France, Youth Program
• 2004 – „Sport and training for people with disabilities”, Limassol, Cyprus Youth Program
• 2000 - 2001 – „The styles of education of parents of children with autism and mental retardation“, Individual Project, funded by Open Society Foundation
• 1999 - 2000 – “Impact of parental styles of education on the aggressive behaviour of children“, Individual Project, funded by Open Society Foundation
• etc.
1. Колчева, Н., (2000). Комуникативното развитие при аутистични деца, сп. „Специална педагогика”, кн.3, стр., 55-61, ISSN 1310-7003.
2. Колчева, Н., (2000). Загадката аутизъм, в-к „Психологически вестник”, година ІІІ, бр. 7, Август-Септември, стр. 1 и стр. 6.
3. Колчева, Н., (2001). Карен Хорни или психоанализата през погледа на една жена, сп. „Философски форум”, бр. 9, стр. 59-65.
4. Колчева, Н., (2001). Влияние на родителските стилове на възпитание върху децата като обекти и субекти на агресивно поведение, сп. „Специална педагогика”, кн.3, стр. 39-58, ISSN 1310-7003.
5. Колчева, Н., (2002). Влияние на родителските стилове на възпитание върху децата като обекти и субекти на агресивно поведение (Експериментално изследване), сп. „Специална педагогика”, кн.3, стр. 20-38, ISSN 1310-7003.
6. Колчева, Н., (2004). Инструменти за скрининг, оценка и оценяване на деца в ранна възраст с дефицити в психичното развитие, сп. „Специална педагогика”, бр. 3, стр. 40-52, ISSN 1310-7003.
7. Колчева, Н., (2004). Психодиагностика на деца със специални образователни потребности, Сборник с доклади от Научно-практическа конференция, 20-21 май 2004, гр. Попово.
8. Колчева, Н., Подходи и методи за оценка на развитието в ранното детство (Доклад), Национална конференция по детска неврология, психиатрия и психология на развитието, 28-30.10.2004, Пловдив
9. Колчева, Н., (2005). Грижата за децата и младежите с дефицити в психичното развитие в Полша, сп. „Специална педагогика”, бр. 1, стр. 10-18, ISSN 1310-7003.
10. Колчева, Н., (2005). Добри и надеждни практики за оценяване на деца с дефицити в психичното развитие, Сборник с доклади от научна конференция, “Приложната психология в България: възможности и перспективи”, Варненски свободен университет „Черноризец Храбър”, Варна.
11. Колчева, Н., (2005). Батерия за оценка на ранно детско развитие. Процедура по валидизация, сп. „Психологични изследвания”, бр. 3, стр. 305-314.
12. Енчева, М., Ф.Колева, Н.Колчева, (2005). Проблеми на българските докторанти и възможности, предоставени им от Асоциацията на докторантите в България, сп. Наука, стр. 72-80, ISSN 0861-3362.
13. Колчева, Н., (2006). Изследване и оценка на деца с дефицити в психичното развитие, Годишник на СУ “Св. Кл. Охридски”, Философски факултет, книга Психология, Том 97, стр. 93-103, ISSN 0204-9945.
14. Колчева, Н., Р.Милушева, (2006). Изследване на релевантността на айтемите от оригиналния вариант на DAYC за българска извадка, сп. Специална педагогика, кн.1, стр. 30-44, ISSN 1310-7003.
15. Колчева, Н., (2006). Родителите и учителите като източници на информация за психичното развитие на децата, сп. Българско списание по психология, бр. 2, стр. 112-130, ISSN 0861-7813.
16. Колчева, Н., (2006). Психологическо оценяване на деца в норма и с дефицити в развитието, Автореферат на дисертация за присъждане на образователна и научна степен “доктор”, София.
17. Колчева, Н., (2007). Теоретични модели и съвременни обяснения на дефицитите в детското развитие, Годишник на СУ “Св. Кл. Охридски”, Философски факултет, книга Психология, Том 98, ISSN 0204-9945.
18. Колчева, Н., (2006). Дефицити в ранното детско развитие, Специална педагогика, кн. 3, стр. 34-50, ISSN 1310-7003.
19. Колчева, Н., М.Енчева, Ф.Колевa, (2007). Виртуалната мрежа като средство за интеграция на младата българска научна общност в Европа, сп. Наука, бр. 1, стр. 42-47, ISSN 0861-3362.
20. Колчева, Н., Ив.Игов, (2007). Умеят ли децата ни днес да решават конфликти?, Специална педагогика, кн. 3, стр. 35-47, ISSN 1310-7003.
21. Енчева, М., Колчева, Н., (2007).– Европейското признание за Асоциация на докторантите в България на Eurodoc 2007, Инфосвят, бр. 1, 2007, стр. 40-41.
22. Колчева, Н., (2007). Обучението на университетски преподаватели в Европа: Сравнително изследване, сп. Българско списание по психология, бр.3, стр. 21-49, ISSN 0861-7813.
23. Koltcheva, N., (2007). University Teachers’ Training and Quality Assurance of Higher Education. A Comparative Study, Report for UNESCO Fellowships Programme in support of Priority Programme Areas (2006-2007) – Request No. 417-2 (BULGARIA)
24. Van de Ven, M., N.Koltcheva, A.Raaheim, C.Borg, (2008). Educator Development: Policy and Characteristics, NETTLE project Publications, Series 1, University of Southampton, UK.
25. Koltcheva, N., (2008), Early Prevention through Screening and Early Diagnostic of Young Children, Proceedings Second European Congress of Early Prevention in Children with Verbal Communication Disorders, pp. 167-175.
26. Колчева, Н., (2008). Адаптация на батерия за оценка на ранно детско развитие (Developmental Assessment of Young Children – DAYC), Сборник научни доклади, V Национален конгрес по психология, София, сп. Българско списание по психология, бр. 1-4, Софи-Р, стр. 148-157, ISSN 0861-7813.
27. Колчева, Н., (2008). Периодизация на детското развитие, Специална педагогика, кн.4, стр. 46-55, ISSN 1310-7003.
28. Encheva, M., N.Kolcheva, F.Koleva, (2008). The System for Qualification of PhD Candidates in Bulgaria. Challenges and Perspectives, The Euroscientist, 2008, vol. 5, 13-15.
29. Гринберг, М., Н.Колчева, П.Атанасов (2009). Електронна система за описание на дейността на преподавателите в Нов български университет, Качеството на висшето образование в България – проблеми и перспективи, Сборник с доклади, том І, стр. 80-85.
30. Колчева, Н., (2010). Стандартизация на батерия за оценка на ранно детско развитие. Скалограмен анализ на скалите за българската извадка по данни на родителите, Годишник на СУ “Св. Кл. Охридски”, Философски факултет, книга Психология, Том 99, стр. 237-267, ISSN 0204-9945.
31. Колчева, Н., (2010). Социалното развитие в ранна възраст, Предучилищно възпитание, год. 58, бр. 5 (2010), стр. 8-11, ISSN 0204-7004.
32. Колчева, Н., (2011). Подготовка за адаптация и стандартизация за български условия на батерия за оценка на ранно детско развитие, Предучилищно възпитание, год. 59, бр. 7 (2011), стр. 14-20, ISSN 0204-7004.
33. Колчева, Н., (2011). Ситуация с кандидатами в доктора в Европе, Болонский процесс: итоги десетилетия, под науч. ред. В.И.Байденко, изд. 2-е дополн., Москва, “МИСиС”, Институт качества вышего образования.
34. Колчева, Н., (2011). Родителски стратегии на възпитание и личностови характеристики на ученици от среден курс, Специална педагогика, кн.3, стр. 17-33.
35. Джонев, С., Н. Колчева, Б.Славчов, (2011). Кариера, реализация и качество на обучението на психологическите кадри, Българско списание по психология, Сборник научни доклади, VІ Национален конгрес по психология, бр. 3-4, стр. 256-265, , ISSN 0861-7813.
36. Колчева, Н., М.Коралов, (2011). Изследване на личностовите черти по модела на Х.Айзенк при юноши (през 2006, 2009 и 2010), Българско списание по психология, Сборник научни доклади, VІ Национален конгрес по психология, бр. 3-4, стр. 278-287, ISSN 0861-7813.
37. Колчева, Н., (2012). Родителски стилове, самооценка, виктимно и агресивно поведение и социометричен статус на учениците в класа, Специална педагогика, кн.4, стр. 29-50, ISSN 1310-7003
38. Колчева, Н., С.Борисова, (2014). Българска адаптация на въпросник за родителско приемане-отхвърляне/контрол, версия за възрастни (Adult PARQ/C), сп. Българско списание по психология, бр. 1-3, , стр. 166-176, ISSN 0861-7813.
39. Колчева, Н., Д.Куршумова, (2014). Родителско приемане-отхвърляне при деца в предучилищна възраст от български и ромски произход, сп. Психология, стр. 501-510, ISBN 978-954-91472-9-2.
40. Колчева, Н., П.Пандурова, (2014). Поколенческа приемственост на родителско приемане и отхвърляне, сп. Психология, стр. 520-533, ISBN 978-954-91472-9-2.
41. Колчева, Н. (2015). Самооценка и тревожност при деца с дислексия на развитието, Сборник доклади от научна конференция с международно участие „Комуникативни и емоционално-поведенчески нарушения“, София, 133-140 - http://ebox.nbu.bg/comunications/
42. Колчева, Н. (2015). Тревожност, родителско приемане-отхвърляне и родителски стил при деца в начална училищна възраст, Сборник доклади от научна конференция с международно участие „Комуникативни и емоционално-поведенчески нарушения“, София, 123-132 - http://ebox.nbu.bg/comunications/
43. Колчева, Н., (2016). Агресивно и виктимно поведение при деца с дислексия на развитието, Научен електронен архив на НБУ, https://eprints.nbu.bg/cgi/users/home?screen=EPrint%3A%3AView&eprintid=3087
44. Колчева, Н., Джалев, Л. (2017). Българска стандартизация на Въпросник за оценка на родителското приемане-отхвърляне в ранна детска възраст. Българско списание по психология, 1 (1-4), 136-159. ISSN 0861-7813.
45. Колчева, Н., Джалев, Л. (2017). Българска версия на въпросника за оценка на родителско приемане-отхвърляне/контрол за възрастни (PARQ/C, Adult). Скалова структура и надеждност. В: С. Джонев, А. Христова и П. Димитров (съст.) Сборник научни доклади от VIII национален конгрес по психология (стр. 266-281). София: Продуцентски център ЛМ ЕООД. ISBN: 978-954-91472-.
46. Колчева, Н., Джалев, Л. (2017). Скалова структура и надеждност на въпросника за родителско приемане и отхвърляне за деца (PARQ/C, Child). Българска версия. В: С. Джонев, А. Христова и П. Димитров (съст.) Сборник научни доклади от VIII национален конгрес по психология (стр. 282-294). София: Продуцентски център ЛМ ЕООД. ISBN: 978-954-91472-.
47. Колчева, Н., Джалев, Л. (2017). Родителското приемане-отхвърляне през погледа на децата и на техните родители. В: И. Зиновиева, С. Карабельова и М. Миланов (ред.), Международна научна конференция „Предизвикателства и перспективи пред съвременната психология“. Сборник с научни доклади (стр. 119-129 ). София: Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“. ISBN 978-954-07-4340-0.
48. Колчева, Н, (2017). Преживяване на отхвърляне от родителите в детството и рискове от депресия в зряла възраст В: И. Зиновиева, С. Карабельова и М. Миланов (ред.), Международна научна конференция „Предизвикателства и перспективи пред съвременната психология“. Сборник с научни доклади (стр. 119-129 ). София: Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“. ISBN 978-954-07-4340-0.
49. Колчева, Н., (2018). Взаимовръзка между възприетото родителско отношение и психологическото приспособяване при българи в ранна зряла възраст. Българско списание по психология, 1(1-4), стр. 123-146, ISSN 0861-7813.
50. Колчева, Н. (2019). Психологическо приспособяване и възприето родителско приемане-отхвърляне при българи в средна зряла възраст. Психологични изследвания, Том 22, Кн. 2, 2019, 365-387. ISSN 0205-0617 (Print); ISSN 2367-9174 (Online).
51. Koltcheva, N., Djalev, L. (2019). Bulgarian Adaptation of Early Childhood Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire (ECPARQ): A Pilot Study of the Scale Structure. Psychological Research, Volume 22, Number 1, 2019, 80-101. ISSN 0205-0617 (Print); ISSN 2367-9174 (Online).
52. Koltcheva, N., G.Petrova, S.Staykova, (2020), Eat Your Vegetables! The Importance of Nutrition in Childhood Development, in Food and Nutrition In ECEC, in Darvay, S., Koltcheva, N., & Berekvolgyi, D. (Eds.) (2021). FINE! Food and Nutrition in the early childhood education and care. Arca Cooperative Sociale, Firenze, ISBN 978-963-489-334-9
53. Staykova, S., N.Koltcheva, G.Petrova, (2020), Eating And Feeding Difficulties In Young Children, in Food and Nutrition In ECEC, in Darvay, S., Koltcheva, N., & Berekvolgyi, D. (Eds.) (2021). FINE! Food and Nutrition in the early childhood education and care. Arca Cooperative Sociale, Firenze, ISBN 978-963-489-334-9
54. Antonson, C., Frida Thorsen, R.Berg, K.Palmer, M.Mutafchieva, N.Koltcheva, J.Sundquist, K.Sundquist, (2020). Self-Esteem in Adolescents: A Two-Wave Time-Lag Study across the Iron Curtain, BMC Psychiatry
55. Колчева, Н., (2021). Взаимоотношения с родители и връстници и субективно благополучие при юноши, Българско списание по психология, брой 2(4), 182-192, ISSN 0861-7813
56. Колчева, Н., Св.Стайкова, Р.Антонова, Е.Андонова, Д.Атанасов, (2021). Проучване на практиката за психологична оценка на развитието при деца от 0 до 7 г. и използваните за тази цел инструменти от специалистите в България (втори етап), Българско списание по психология, брой 2(4), 193-205, ISSN 0861-7813
57. Колчева, Н., (2021). Кой е по-психологически приспособен? Крос-културно сравнение между българи и гръци, „Човекът – мярка за всички неща? Предизвикателствата на постиндустриалното информационно общество“ Сборник с доклади oт Теоретичен семинар „Човекът – мярка за всички неща? Предизвикателствата на постиндустриалното информационно общество“, 20-21 Октомври 2020 г., Издателство: Технически университет, София, 34-45, ISSN 2603-4999
58. Djamnezhad D., N.Koltcheva, A.Dizdarevic, A.Mujezinovic, C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, M.Achten, E.Kolumban, F.Machado, B.Hofvander, (2021). Social and Emotional Learning in Preschool Settings: A Systematic Map of Systematic Reviews. Front. Educ. 6:691670. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2021.691670, https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/feduc.2021.691670/full
59. Павлова, Й., Н.Колчева, С.Драгова, (2022). Изборът на професия сред български юноши и тяхната кариерна ориентация, Сборник с доклади: Теоретичен семинар „Човекът – мярка за всички неща? Предизвикателствата на постиндустриалното информационно общество“, 20-21 Октомври 2021 г., Издателство: Технически университет, София, 26-37, ISSN 2603-4999
60. Колчева, Н., (2022). Чувствителност към отхвърляне в зряла възраст и взаимовръзката му с възприето родителско приемане-отхвърляне в детството, Библиотека “Диоген”, Психология. Теоретични и приложни изследвания. Великотърновски Университет “Св. Св. Кирил и Методий” – Университетско Издателство, Том 30, Брой 1, Статия 8, Стр. 99-115, DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/HTGG1443
61. Колчева, Надя., Св.Стайкова, (2022). Добри практики при изготвяне на психологична оценка на развитието при деца в ранна и предучилищна възраст, сп. Педагогика, том 94, брой 2, 247-262, https://doi.org/10.53656/ped2022-2.07
62. Koltcheva, N. (2022). Do we Perceive Experiencing More Stress in Early Adulthood If We Had Perceived Experiencing Parental Rejection in Childhood? Psychological Research (in the Balkans), Volume 25, Number 1, 2022, 20-34. ISSN 0205-0617 (Print); ISSN 2367-9174 (Online). DOI: https://doi.org/10.7546/ PsyRB.2022.25.01.02
63. Колчева, Н., Л.Джалев (2022). Психометрични характеристики на българската версия на скалата за чувствителност към междуличностно отхвърляне, Психологията – Традиция и Съвременност, Сборник научни доклади от юбилейна международна научна конференция по случай 50-години от създаването на специалност „Психология“ в Софийския университет „Св. Климент Охридски“ 1-3 юни 2022 г., стр. 857-868, ISBN 978-954-07-5611-0.
64. Колчева, Н., С. Драгова-Колева, (2022). Психометрични характеристики на българската версия на въпросник за конструиране на кариерата при младежи, Психологията – Традиция и Съвременност, Сборник научни доклади от юбилейна международна научна конференция по случай 50-години от създаването на специалност „Психология“ в Софийския университет „Св. Климент Охридски“ 1-3 юни 2022 г., стр. 899-907, ISBN 978-954-07-5611-0.
65. Koltcheva, N. (2023). EU-SELF: An European Platform about Social and Emotional Skills in Early Childhood Education. Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 15(2), 35-54. https://doi.org/10.18662/rrem/15.2/719
66. Колчева, Н., Л.Джалев (2023). Възприето родителско отхвърляне в детска възраст, чувствителност към отхвърляне и психологическо приспособяване при българи в зряла възраст, Сборник с доклади: Теоретичен семинар „Човекът – мярка за всички неща? Предизвикателствата на постиндустриалното информационно общество“, 19-20 Октомври 2022 г., Издателство: Технически университет, София, 26-37, ISSN 2603-4999.
67. Koltcheva, N., P.Milcheva, (2023). Perceived Paternal Acceptance-Rejection among Female Survivors of Domestic Violence, „Diogen“ Library, Psychology. Theoretical and applied research. Veliko Tarnovo University „St. St. Cyril and Methodius“ - University Press, Volume 31, Issue 1, Article 16, pp. 180-200, DOI: 10.54664/KPKR6185
1. Koltcheva, N., (2008), Bulgarian Adaptation of Developmental Assessment of Young Children, Poster, Second European Congress of Early Prevention in Children with Verbal Communication Disorders.
2. Djonev, S., N.Koltcheva, Teaching Psychology In Bulgaria, Poster, PLAT2010, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (Psychology Learning and Teaching Conference, Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom, 30 June – 02 July 2010)
3. Koltcheva, N., Teaching Psychology at New Bulgarian University. A Follow-up Study, Poster, PLAT2010, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (Psychology Learning and Teaching Conference, Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom, 30 June – 02 July 2010)
4. Velikova, R., N.Koltcheva, A.Kisselova, Personality Charactaristics of Patients with Burning Mouth Syndrome, Poster, Annual Assembly of International Medical Association Bulgaria (IMAB), 12-15 May 2011, Varna, Bulgaria
5. Djonev, S., N.Koltcheva, Out-of-university Training Courses for Psychology Students in Bulgaria and their Mental Reality: A Discourse Analysis, Poster, PLAT2012, Vilnius, Lithuania (Psychology Learning and Teaching Conference, Vilnius University, Lithuania, 28-30 June 2012)
6. Koltcheva, N., Personal Characteristics of Psychology Students in Bulgaria and Their Evaluation of University Education, Poster, PLAT2012, Vilnius, Lithuania (Psychology Learning and Teaching Conference, Vilnius University, Lithuania, 28-30 June 2012)
7. Колчева, Н., Междуличностното приемане-отхвърляне, VII Национален конгрес по психология – 31.10-2.11.2014 г., София
8. Колчева, Н., Теория за междуличностното приемане-отхвърляне (IPARTh) – методи, доказателства и практически приложения, Научна конференция с международно участие „Комуникативни и емоционално-поведенчески нарушения“, 12 – 14.12.2014 г., София
9. Koltcheva, N., L.Djalev, (2017). Parental Rejection in Childhood and Long-term Consequences in Adulthood, EFPA 15th European Congress of Psychology (ECP 2017), 11-14 July 2017, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
10. Koltcheva, N., S.Staykova, E.Andonova, G.Markova, D.Atanasov, R.Antonova, Study of the Practice for Developmental Psychological Assessment of Children 0 to 7 Years of Age and the Assessment Instruments Specialists in Bulgaria Use, 16th WAIMH World Congress to be held in Rome, Italy, 26-30 May 2018, http://www.waimh2018.org/index.html
1. Ates, G., K.Hollander, N.Koltcheva, S.Krstic, F.Parada, (2011). EURODOC Survey I: The First Eurodoc Survey on Doctoral Candidates in Twelve European Countries. Descriptive report. Eurodoc, the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers. ISBN 978-3-00-035843-2. http://www.eurodoc.net/sites/default/files/attachments/2017/144/eurodocsurveyireport2011.pdf
2. Атанасова-Трифонова, М., Пенева, Л., Стоянова, Юл., Янчева, И., Ядкова, Л., Мутафчиева, М., Колчева, Н. (2014). Стандарти за развитие и учене в ранното детство: от раждането до три години. Булвест 2000. София.
3. Атанасова-Трифонова, М., Атанасов, Д., Пенева, Л., Андонова, Е., Мутафчиева, М., Колчева, Н. (2014). Скрининг тест за тригодишни деца: Ръководство. Булвест 2000. София. ISBN 978-954-18-0910-5
4. Атанасова-Трифонова, М., Атанасов, Д., Пенева, Л., Андонова, Е., Мутафчиева, М., Колчева, Н. (2014). Скрининг тест за тригодишни деца: Стимулна книжка. Булвест 2000. София.
5. Machado, F., S.Fonseca, V.P.Senese, A.Lo Presti, R.Marcone, C.Nasti, R.Massaro, I.Sergi, N.Koltcheva, S.Dragova, V.Doycheva, V.Mihaylova, S.Vassileva, M.Simeonov, A.Boneva, D.Momcheveva, M.Carrasco, F.Holgado-Tello, J.Perez-Gonzalez, M.Rodriguez-Serrano, P.Marquez, Y.Pavlova, M.Bianco, A.Mercogliano, M.De Pasquale, M.Pavone, C.Zoto, V.Panagopoulou, (2021). Professions Guide, G-Guidance project.
6. Pontes, A., F.Machado, M.Carrasco-Ortiz, N.Koltcheva, S.Dragova, (2022). G-Guidance Career Guidance Professions Methodology Manual, G-Guidance project.
7. Pontes, A., F.Machado, M.Carrasco-Ortiz, N.Koltcheva, S.Dragova, (2022). G-Guidance Training and Users’ Manual, G-Guidance project.
Глави от книги / Части от книги
1. Koltcheva, N., (2008). Case Study – Bulgaria – Sofia University, in Kalman, A., Pauschenwein, J., Sandtner, H., Hoffmann, K., Koltcheva, N., Atanasova, M., Karjalainen, A., Airaksinen, P. et al. (2008). Case studies in the development and qualification of university teachers in Europe, Debrecen, Hungary, NETTLE Thematic Network Project, ISBN 978-963-87523-5-2.
2. Koltcheva, N., (2011), Chapter D: Training and Supervision, in Ates, G., K.Hollander, N.Koltcheva, S.Krstic, F.Parada, (2011). EURODOC Survey I: The First Eurodoc Survey on Doctoral Candidates in Twelve European Countries. Descriptive report. Eurodoc, the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers. ISBN 978-3-00-035843-2. http://www.eurodoc.net/sites/default/files/attachments/2017/144/eurodocsurveyireport2011.pdf
3. Koltcheva, N., (2011), Chapter F: Academic Work, in Ates, G., K.Hollander, N.Koltcheva, S.Krstic, F.Parada, (2011). EURODOC Survey I: The First Eurodoc Survey on Doctoral Candidates in Twelve European Countries. Descriptive report. Eurodoc, the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers. ISBN 978-3-00-035843-2. http://www.eurodoc.net/sites/default/files/attachments/2017/144/eurodocsurveyireport2011.pdf
4. Koltcheva, N., (2022). Countries’ Overviews. General Idea and Description, in Koltcheva, N., V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Development for Children aged 0 to 7 years old: European Countries Overviews Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-213-6.
5. Koltcheva, N., (2022). Countries’ Overviews. The Process of Writing, in Koltcheva, N., V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Development for Children aged 0 to 7 years old: European Countries Overviews Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-213-6.
6. Koltcheva, M., G.Markova-Derelieva, N.Koltcheva, (2022). Armenia, in Koltcheva, N., V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Development for Children aged 0 to 7 years old: European Countries Overviews Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-213-6.
7. Koltcheva, M., N.Koltcheva, (2022). Azerbaijan, in Koltcheva, N., V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Development for Children aged 0 to 7 years old: European Countries Overviews Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-213-6.
8. Koltcheva, M., N.Koltcheva, (2022). Belarus, in Koltcheva, N., V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Development for Children aged 0 to 7 years old: European Countries Overviews Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-213-6.
9. Koltcheva, N., (2022). Bulgaria, in Koltcheva, N., V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Development for Children aged 0 to 7 years old: European Countries Overviews Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-213-6.
10. Koltcheva, M., N.Koltcheva, (2022). Georgia, in Koltcheva, N., V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Development for Children aged 0 to 7 years old: European Countries Overviews Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-213-6.
11. Koltcheva, M., N.Koltcheva, (2022). Russian Federation, in Koltcheva, N., V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Development for Children aged 0 to 7 years old: European Countries Overviews Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-213-6.
12. Koltcheva, N., (2022). Assessment of Social and Emotional Development in Early and Preschool Years. The Process of Compiling the European Social and Emotional Skills Assessment Measures Compendium, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
13. Koltcheva, N., (2022). BASC-3 BESS: Behavior Assessment System for Children, Second Edition- Behavioral and Emotional Screening System, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
14. Pontes, A., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, B.Barat, N.Koltcheva, (2022). CBQ: Children’s Behavior Questionnaire, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
15. Koltcheva, M., N.Koltcheva, (2022). CBQ: COR Advantage: HighScope’s Child Observation Record, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
16. Koltcheva, N., (2022). DECA-I: Devereux Early Childhood Assessment for Infants, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
17. Koltcheva, N., (2022). DECA-P2: Devereux Early Childhood Assessment for Preschoolers, Second Edition, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
18. Koltcheva, N., (2022). DECA-T: Devereux Early Childhood Assessment for Toddlers, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
19. Koltcheva, N., (2022). ECBQ: Early Childhood Behavior Questionnaire (Rothbart Temperament Scales), in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
20. Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, Pontes, A., B.Barat, (2022). IBQ-R: Infant Behavior Questionnaire (Rothbart Temperament Scales), in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
21. Pontes, A., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, B.Barat, N.Koltcheva, M.Koltcheva, (2022). INTER-NDA: Intergrowth 21st Neurodevelopment Assessment, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
22. Koltcheva, M., N.Koltcheva, (2022). PANAS: Positive and Negative Affect Scale, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
23. Koltcheva, M., N.Koltcheva, (2022). PKBS-2: Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scales, Second Edition, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
24. Koltcheva, N., (2022). PSRA: Preschool Self-Regulation Assessment, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
25. Koltcheva, N., (2022). RCMAS-2: Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale, Second Edition, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
26. Koltcheva, N., (2022). SCBE-30: Social Competence and Behavior Evaluation, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
27. Koltcheva, N., (2022). SCBE-80: Social Competence and Behavior Evaluation Scale, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
28. Koltcheva, M., N.Koltcheva, (2022). SDQ: Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
29. Koltcheva, N., (2022). SDQP: Self-Description Questionnaire for Preschoolers, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
30. Koltcheva, N., (2022). Sociometric Ratings and Nominations, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
31. Koltcheva, N., (2022). SP 2: Sensory Profile 2, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
32. Koltcheva, N., (2022). SSIS: Social Skills Improvement System, Rating Scale, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
33. Koltcheva, N., (2022). STEP: Southampton Test of Empathy for Preschoolers, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
34. Koltcheva, M., N.Koltcheva, (2022). SCWT: Stroop Color and Word Test: Children's Version, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
35. Koltcheva, N., (2022). TEC: Test of Emotion Comprehension, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
36. Koltcheva, N., (2022). TOL: Tower of London Task, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
37. Koltcheva, M., N.Koltcheva, C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). EDI: Early Development Instrument, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
38. Koltcheva, M., N.Koltcheva, (2022). iPIPS: International Performance Indicators in Primary Schools, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
39. Koltcheva, N., (2022). PEDICAT: Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory, Computer Adaptive Test, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
40. Koltcheva, M., N.Koltcheva, (2022). PEDS: Parents' Evaluation of Developmental Status, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
41. Koltcheva, N., (2022). EU-Self project. General Idea and Overview, in Koltcheva, N., A.Mujezinovic, A.Dizdarevic. (2022). Social and Emotional Skills in Early and Preschool Age Children. EU-Self Project. ISBN: 978-619-233-215-0 (online)
42. Koltcheva, N., (2022). EU-Self Project’s Partners, in Koltcheva, N., A.Mujezinovic, A.Dizdarevic. (2022). Social and Emotional Skills in Early and Preschool Age Children. EU-Self Project. ISBN: 978-619-233-215-0 (online)
43. Koltcheva, N., (2022). Learning from Experience, in Koltcheva, N., A.Mujezinovic, A.Dizdarevic. (2022). Social and Emotional Skills in Early and Preschool Age Children. EU-Self Project. ISBN: 978-619-233-215-0 (online)
44. Koltcheva, N., (2022). The Educational Context in Partner Countries, in Koltcheva, N., A.Mujezinovic, A.Dizdarevic. (2022). Social and Emotional Skills in Early and Preschool Age Children. EU-Self Project. ISBN: 978-619-233-215-0 (online)
45. Koltcheva, N., (2022). Case studies, in Koltcheva, N., A.Mujezinovic, A.Dizdarevic. (2022). Social and Emotional Skills in Early and Preschool Age Children. EU-Self Project. ISBN: 978-619-233-215-0 (online)
46. Koltcheva, N., B.Hofvander, D.Djamnezhad, C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, M.Achten, C.Piovano, E.Kolumban, D.Berekvolgyi, A.Mujezinovic, (2022). EU-Self Project Glossary, in Koltcheva, N., A.Mujezinovic, A.Dizdarevic. (2022). Social and Emotional Skills in Early and Preschool Age Children. EU-Self Project. ISBN: 978-619-233-215-0 (online)
1. Kalman, A. (Ed); Pauschenwein, J.; Sandtner, H.: Hoffmann, K.; Koltcheva, N.; Atanasova, M.; Karjalainen, Asko; Airaksinen, Paula et al. (2008) Case studies in the development and qualification of university teachers in Europe, Debrecen, Hungary, NETTLE Thematic Network Project, ISBN 978-963-87523-5-2.
2. Stankova, M., N.Koltcheva, (2011). Special Abilities And Talents - Patterns Of Cognitive Processes In People With Disabilities, ISBN 978-954-535-728-2, published in http://ebox.nbu.bg/sa/, Lifelong Learning Programme, 2011 - ERA - IP – 3
3. Darvay, S., Koltcheva, N., & Berekvolgyi, D. (Eds.) (2021). FINE! Food and Nutrition in the early childhood education and care. Arca Cooperative Sociale, Firenze, ISBN 978-963-489-334-9
4. Darvay, S., Koltcheva, N., & Berekvolgyi, D. (Eds.) (2021). FINE! Recipes. Healthy, Balanced, Tasty and Appetizing Recipes for Families. Arca Cooperative Sociale, Firenze, ISBN 978-963-489-335-6
5. Колчева, Н., Г.Петрова, (2021). FINE! Храна и хранене в образованието и грижите в ранна детска възраст, Galileo Progetti Ltd., Будапеща, ISBN 978-619-188-606-7
6. Колчева, Н., Г.Петрова, (2021). FINE! Рецепти. Здравословни, балансирани, вкусни и апетитни рецепти за семейства. Проект FINE!, ISBN: 978-619-188-605-0
7. Koltcheva, N., V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Development for Children aged 0 to 7 years old: European Countries Overviews Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-213-6
8. Koltcheva, N., Wastijn, B., Achten, M., Van Rossem, L. & Costa, I. S (2022). Programs for Social and Emotional Skills Development for Early and Preschool Children Applied in European Countries. Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-211-2
9. Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4
10. Koltcheva, N., A.Mujezinovic, A.Dizdarevic. (2022). Social and Emotional Skills in Early and Preschool Age Children. EU-Self Project. ISBN: 978-619-233-215-0 (online)
11. Драгова, С., Н.Колчева, (2023). Методология за кариерно ориентиране, Наръчник, Проект G-Guidance, ISBN 978-619-92482-2-5, https://eprints.nbu.bg/id/eprint/4779/
12. Колчева, Н., С.Драгова, Й.Павлова, В.Дойчева, (2023). Наръчник на професиите, Проект G-Guidance, ISBN 978-619-92482-0-1, https://eprints.nbu.bg/id/eprint/4780/
13. Колчева, Н., С.Драгова, Й.Павлова, (2023). G-GUIDANCE. Ръководство за обучение на потребителите, Проект G-Guidance, ISBN 978-619-92482-1-8, https://eprints.nbu.bg/id/eprint/4781/
1. Колчева, Н., (2000). Комуникативното развитие при аутистични деца, сп. „Специална педагогика”, кн.3, стр., 55-61, ISSN 1310-7003.
2. Колчева, Н., (2000). Загадката аутизъм, в-к „Психологически вестник”, година ІІІ, бр. 7, Август-Септември, стр. 1 и стр. 6.
3. Колчева, Н., (2001). Карен Хорни или психоанализата през погледа на една жена, сп. „Философски форум”, бр. 9, стр. 59-65.
4. Колчева, Н., (2001). Влияние на родителските стилове на възпитание върху децата като обекти и субекти на агресивно поведение, сп. „Специална педагогика”, кн.3, стр. 39-58, ISSN 1310-7003.
5. Колчева, Н., (2002). Влияние на родителските стилове на възпитание върху децата като обекти и субекти на агресивно поведение (Експериментално изследване), сп. „Специална педагогика”, кн.3, стр. 20-38, ISSN 1310-7003.
6. Колчева, Н., (2004). Инструменти за скрининг, оценка и оценяване на деца в ранна възраст с дефицити в психичното развитие, сп. „Специална педагогика”, бр. 3, стр. 40-52, ISSN 1310-7003.
7. Колчева, Н., (2004). Психодиагностика на деца със специални образователни потребности, Сборник с доклади от Научно-практическа конференция, 20-21 май 2004, гр. Попово.
8. Колчева, Н., Подходи и методи за оценка на развитието в ранното детство (Доклад), Национална конференция по детска неврология, психиатрия и психология на развитието, 28-30.10.2004, Пловдив
9. Колчева, Н., (2005). Грижата за децата и младежите с дефицити в психичното развитие в Полша, сп. „Специална педагогика”, бр. 1, стр. 10-18, ISSN 1310-7003.
10. Колчева, Н., (2005). Добри и надеждни практики за оценяване на деца с дефицити в психичното развитие, Сборник с доклади от научна конференция, “Приложната психология в България: възможности и перспективи”, Варненски свободен университет „Черноризец Храбър”, Варна.
11. Колчева, Н., (2005). Батерия за оценка на ранно детско развитие. Процедура по валидизация, сп. „Психологични изследвания”, бр. 3, стр. 305-314.
12. Енчева, М., Ф.Колева, Н.Колчева, (2005). Проблеми на българските докторанти и възможности, предоставени им от Асоциацията на докторантите в България, сп. Наука, стр. 72-80, ISSN 0861-3362.
13. Колчева, Н., (2006). Изследване и оценка на деца с дефицити в психичното развитие, Годишник на СУ “Св. Кл. Охридски”, Философски факултет, книга Психология, Том 97, стр. 93-103, ISSN 0204-9945.
14. Колчева, Н., Р.Милушева, (2006). Изследване на релевантността на айтемите от оригиналния вариант на DAYC за българска извадка, сп. Специална педагогика, кн.1, стр. 30-44, ISSN 1310-7003.
15. Колчева, Н., (2006). Родителите и учителите като източници на информация за психичното развитие на децата, сп. Българско списание по психология, бр. 2, стр. 112-130, ISSN 0861-7813.
16. Колчева, Н., (2006). Психологическо оценяване на деца в норма и с дефицити в развитието, Автореферат на дисертация за присъждане на образователна и научна степен “доктор”, София.
17. Колчева, Н., (2007). Теоретични модели и съвременни обяснения на дефицитите в детското развитие, Годишник на СУ “Св. Кл. Охридски”, Философски факултет, книга Психология, Том 98, ISSN 0204-9945.
18. Колчева, Н., (2006). Дефицити в ранното детско развитие, Специална педагогика, кн. 3, стр. 34-50, ISSN 1310-7003.
19. Колчева, Н., М.Енчева, Ф.Колевa, (2007). Виртуалната мрежа като средство за интеграция на младата българска научна общност в Европа, сп. Наука, бр. 1, стр. 42-47, ISSN 0861-3362.
20. Колчева, Н., Ив.Игов, (2007). Умеят ли децата ни днес да решават конфликти?, Специална педагогика, кн. 3, стр. 35-47, ISSN 1310-7003.
21. Енчева, М., Колчева, Н., (2007).– Европейското признание за Асоциация на докторантите в България на Eurodoc 2007, Инфосвят, бр. 1, 2007, стр. 40-41.
22. Колчева, Н., (2007). Обучението на университетски преподаватели в Европа: Сравнително изследване, сп. Българско списание по психология, бр.3, стр. 21-49, ISSN 0861-7813.
23. Koltcheva, N., (2007). University Teachers’ Training and Quality Assurance of Higher Education. A Comparative Study, Report for UNESCO Fellowships Programme in support of Priority Programme Areas (2006-2007) – Request No. 417-2 (BULGARIA)
24. Van de Ven, M., N.Koltcheva, A.Raaheim, C.Borg, (2008). Educator Development: Policy and Characteristics, NETTLE project Publications, Series 1, University of Southampton, UK.
25. Koltcheva, N., (2008), Early Prevention through Screening and Early Diagnostic of Young Children, Proceedings Second European Congress of Early Prevention in Children with Verbal Communication Disorders, pp. 167-175.
26. Колчева, Н., (2008). Адаптация на батерия за оценка на ранно детско развитие (Developmental Assessment of Young Children – DAYC), Сборник научни доклади, V Национален конгрес по психология, София, сп. Българско списание по психология, бр. 1-4, Софи-Р, стр. 148-157, ISSN 0861-7813.
27. Колчева, Н., (2008). Периодизация на детското развитие, Специална педагогика, кн.4, стр. 46-55, ISSN 1310-7003.
28. Encheva, M., N.Kolcheva, F.Koleva, (2008). The System for Qualification of PhD Candidates in Bulgaria. Challenges and Perspectives, The Euroscientist, 2008, vol. 5, 13-15.
29. Гринберг, М., Н.Колчева, П.Атанасов (2009). Електронна система за описание на дейността на преподавателите в Нов български университет, Качеството на висшето образование в България – проблеми и перспективи, Сборник с доклади, том І, стр. 80-85.
30. Колчева, Н., (2010). Стандартизация на батерия за оценка на ранно детско развитие. Скалограмен анализ на скалите за българската извадка по данни на родителите, Годишник на СУ “Св. Кл. Охридски”, Философски факултет, книга Психология, Том 99, стр. 237-267, ISSN 0204-9945.
31. Колчева, Н., (2010). Социалното развитие в ранна възраст, Предучилищно възпитание, год. 58, бр. 5 (2010), стр. 8-11, ISSN 0204-7004.
32. Колчева, Н., (2011). Подготовка за адаптация и стандартизация за български условия на батерия за оценка на ранно детско развитие, Предучилищно възпитание, год. 59, бр. 7 (2011), стр. 14-20, ISSN 0204-7004.
33. Колчева, Н., (2011). Ситуация с кандидатами в доктора в Европе, Болонский процесс: итоги десетилетия, под науч. ред. В.И.Байденко, изд. 2-е дополн., Москва, “МИСиС”, Институт качества вышего образования.
34. Колчева, Н., (2011). Родителски стратегии на възпитание и личностови характеристики на ученици от среден курс, Специална педагогика, кн.3, стр. 17-33.
35. Джонев, С., Н. Колчева, Б.Славчов, (2011). Кариера, реализация и качество на обучението на психологическите кадри, Българско списание по психология, Сборник научни доклади, VІ Национален конгрес по психология, бр. 3-4, стр. 256-265, , ISSN 0861-7813.
36. Колчева, Н., М.Коралов, (2011). Изследване на личностовите черти по модела на Х.Айзенк при юноши (през 2006, 2009 и 2010), Българско списание по психология, Сборник научни доклади, VІ Национален конгрес по психология, бр. 3-4, стр. 278-287, ISSN 0861-7813.
37. Колчева, Н., (2012). Родителски стилове, самооценка, виктимно и агресивно поведение и социометричен статус на учениците в класа, Специална педагогика, кн.4, стр. 29-50, ISSN 1310-7003
38. Колчева, Н., С.Борисова, (2014). Българска адаптация на въпросник за родителско приемане-отхвърляне/контрол, версия за възрастни (Adult PARQ/C), сп. Българско списание по психология, бр. 1-3, , стр. 166-176, ISSN 0861-7813.
39. Колчева, Н., Д.Куршумова, (2014). Родителско приемане-отхвърляне при деца в предучилищна възраст от български и ромски произход, сп. Психология, стр. 501-510, ISBN 978-954-91472-9-2.
40. Колчева, Н., П.Пандурова, (2014). Поколенческа приемственост на родителско приемане и отхвърляне, сп. Психология, стр. 520-533, ISBN 978-954-91472-9-2.
41. Колчева, Н. (2015). Самооценка и тревожност при деца с дислексия на развитието, Сборник доклади от научна конференция с международно участие „Комуникативни и емоционално-поведенчески нарушения“, София, 133-140 - http://ebox.nbu.bg/comunications/
42. Колчева, Н. (2015). Тревожност, родителско приемане-отхвърляне и родителски стил при деца в начална училищна възраст, Сборник доклади от научна конференция с международно участие „Комуникативни и емоционално-поведенчески нарушения“, София, 123-132 - http://ebox.nbu.bg/comunications/
43. Колчева, Н., (2016). Агресивно и виктимно поведение при деца с дислексия на развитието, Научен електронен архив на НБУ, https://eprints.nbu.bg/cgi/users/home?screen=EPrint%3A%3AView&eprintid=3087
44. Колчева, Н., Джалев, Л. (2017). Българска стандартизация на Въпросник за оценка на родителското приемане-отхвърляне в ранна детска възраст. Българско списание по психология, 1 (1-4), 136-159. ISSN 0861-7813.
45. Колчева, Н., Джалев, Л. (2017). Българска версия на въпросника за оценка на родителско приемане-отхвърляне/контрол за възрастни (PARQ/C, Adult). Скалова структура и надеждност. В: С. Джонев, А. Христова и П. Димитров (съст.) Сборник научни доклади от VIII национален конгрес по психология (стр. 266-281). София: Продуцентски център ЛМ ЕООД. ISBN: 978-954-91472-.
46. Колчева, Н., Джалев, Л. (2017). Скалова структура и надеждност на въпросника за родителско приемане и отхвърляне за деца (PARQ/C, Child). Българска версия. В: С. Джонев, А. Христова и П. Димитров (съст.) Сборник научни доклади от VIII национален конгрес по психология (стр. 282-294). София: Продуцентски център ЛМ ЕООД. ISBN: 978-954-91472-.
47. Колчева, Н., Джалев, Л. (2017). Родителското приемане-отхвърляне през погледа на децата и на техните родители. В: И. Зиновиева, С. Карабельова и М. Миланов (ред.), Международна научна конференция „Предизвикателства и перспективи пред съвременната психология“. Сборник с научни доклади (стр. 119-129 ). София: Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“. ISBN 978-954-07-4340-0.
48. Колчева, Н, (2017). Преживяване на отхвърляне от родителите в детството и рискове от депресия в зряла възраст В: И. Зиновиева, С. Карабельова и М. Миланов (ред.), Международна научна конференция „Предизвикателства и перспективи пред съвременната психология“. Сборник с научни доклади (стр. 119-129 ). София: Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“. ISBN 978-954-07-4340-0.
49. Колчева, Н., (2018). Взаимовръзка между възприетото родителско отношение и психологическото приспособяване при българи в ранна зряла възраст. Българско списание по психология, 1(1-4), стр. 123-146, ISSN 0861-7813.
50. Колчева, Н. (2019). Психологическо приспособяване и възприето родителско приемане-отхвърляне при българи в средна зряла възраст. Психологични изследвания, Том 22, Кн. 2, 2019, 365-387. ISSN 0205-0617 (Print); ISSN 2367-9174 (Online).
51. Koltcheva, N., Djalev, L. (2019). Bulgarian Adaptation of Early Childhood Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire (ECPARQ): A Pilot Study of the Scale Structure. Psychological Research, Volume 22, Number 1, 2019, 80-101. ISSN 0205-0617 (Print); ISSN 2367-9174 (Online).
52. Koltcheva, N., G.Petrova, S.Staykova, (2020), Eat Your Vegetables! The Importance of Nutrition in Childhood Development, in Food and Nutrition In ECEC, in Darvay, S., Koltcheva, N., & Berekvolgyi, D. (Eds.) (2021). FINE! Food and Nutrition in the early childhood education and care. Arca Cooperative Sociale, Firenze, ISBN 978-963-489-334-9
53. Staykova, S., N.Koltcheva, G.Petrova, (2020), Eating And Feeding Difficulties In Young Children, in Food and Nutrition In ECEC, in Darvay, S., Koltcheva, N., & Berekvolgyi, D. (Eds.) (2021). FINE! Food and Nutrition in the early childhood education and care. Arca Cooperative Sociale, Firenze, ISBN 978-963-489-334-9
54. Antonson, C., Frida Thorsen, R.Berg, K.Palmer, M.Mutafchieva, N.Koltcheva, J.Sundquist, K.Sundquist, (2020). Self-Esteem in Adolescents: A Two-Wave Time-Lag Study across the Iron Curtain, BMC Psychiatry
55. Колчева, Н., (2021). Взаимоотношения с родители и връстници и субективно благополучие при юноши, Българско списание по психология, брой 2(4), 182-192, ISSN 0861-7813
56. Колчева, Н., Св.Стайкова, Р.Антонова, Е.Андонова, Д.Атанасов, (2021). Проучване на практиката за психологична оценка на развитието при деца от 0 до 7 г. и използваните за тази цел инструменти от специалистите в България (втори етап), Българско списание по психология, брой 2(4), 193-205, ISSN 0861-7813
57. Колчева, Н., (2021). Кой е по-психологически приспособен? Крос-културно сравнение между българи и гръци, „Човекът – мярка за всички неща? Предизвикателствата на постиндустриалното информационно общество“ Сборник с доклади oт Теоретичен семинар „Човекът – мярка за всички неща? Предизвикателствата на постиндустриалното информационно общество“, 20-21 Октомври 2020 г., Издателство: Технически университет, София, 34-45, ISSN 2603-4999
58. Djamnezhad D., N.Koltcheva, A.Dizdarevic, A.Mujezinovic, C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, M.Achten, E.Kolumban, F.Machado, B.Hofvander, (2021). Social and Emotional Learning in Preschool Settings: A Systematic Map of Systematic Reviews. Front. Educ. 6:691670. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2021.691670, https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/feduc.2021.691670/full
59. Павлова, Й., Н.Колчева, С.Драгова, (2022). Изборът на професия сред български юноши и тяхната кариерна ориентация, Сборник с доклади: Теоретичен семинар „Човекът – мярка за всички неща? Предизвикателствата на постиндустриалното информационно общество“, 20-21 Октомври 2021 г., Издателство: Технически университет, София, 26-37, ISSN 2603-4999
60. Колчева, Н., (2022). Чувствителност към отхвърляне в зряла възраст и взаимовръзката му с възприето родителско приемане-отхвърляне в детството, Библиотека “Диоген”, Психология. Теоретични и приложни изследвания. Великотърновски Университет “Св. Св. Кирил и Методий” – Университетско Издателство, Том 30, Брой 1, Статия 8, Стр. 99-115, DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/HTGG1443
61. Колчева, Надя., Св.Стайкова, (2022). Добри практики при изготвяне на психологична оценка на развитието при деца в ранна и предучилищна възраст, сп. Педагогика, том 94, брой 2, 247-262, https://doi.org/10.53656/ped2022-2.07
62. Koltcheva, N. (2022). Do we Perceive Experiencing More Stress in Early Adulthood If We Had Perceived Experiencing Parental Rejection in Childhood? Psychological Research (in the Balkans), Volume 25, Number 1, 2022, 20-34. ISSN 0205-0617 (Print); ISSN 2367-9174 (Online). DOI: https://doi.org/10.7546/ PsyRB.2022.25.01.02
63. Колчева, Н., Л.Джалев (2022). Психометрични характеристики на българската версия на скалата за чувствителност към междуличностно отхвърляне, Психологията – Традиция и Съвременност, Сборник научни доклади от юбилейна международна научна конференция по случай 50-години от създаването на специалност „Психология“ в Софийския университет „Св. Климент Охридски“ 1-3 юни 2022 г., стр. 857-868, ISBN 978-954-07-5611-0.
64. Колчева, Н., С. Драгова-Колева, (2022). Психометрични характеристики на българската версия на въпросник за конструиране на кариерата при младежи, Психологията – Традиция и Съвременност, Сборник научни доклади от юбилейна международна научна конференция по случай 50-години от създаването на специалност „Психология“ в Софийския университет „Св. Климент Охридски“ 1-3 юни 2022 г., стр. 899-907, ISBN 978-954-07-5611-0.
65. Koltcheva, N. (2023). EU-SELF: An European Platform about Social and Emotional Skills in Early Childhood Education. Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 15(2), 35-54. https://doi.org/10.18662/rrem/15.2/719
66. Колчева, Н., Л.Джалев (2023). Възприето родителско отхвърляне в детска възраст, чувствителност към отхвърляне и психологическо приспособяване при българи в зряла възраст, Сборник с доклади: Теоретичен семинар „Човекът – мярка за всички неща? Предизвикателствата на постиндустриалното информационно общество“, 19-20 Октомври 2022 г., Издателство: Технически университет, София, 26-37, ISSN 2603-4999.
67. Koltcheva, N., P.Milcheva, (2023). Perceived Paternal Acceptance-Rejection among Female Survivors of Domestic Violence, „Diogen“ Library, Psychology. Theoretical and applied research. Veliko Tarnovo University „St. St. Cyril and Methodius“ - University Press, Volume 31, Issue 1, Article 16, pp. 180-200, DOI: 10.54664/KPKR6185
1. Koltcheva, N., (2008), Bulgarian Adaptation of Developmental Assessment of Young Children, Poster, Second European Congress of Early Prevention in Children with Verbal Communication Disorders.
2. Djonev, S., N.Koltcheva, Teaching Psychology In Bulgaria, Poster, PLAT2010, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (Psychology Learning and Teaching Conference, Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom, 30 June – 02 July 2010)
3. Koltcheva, N., Teaching Psychology at New Bulgarian University. A Follow-up Study, Poster, PLAT2010, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (Psychology Learning and Teaching Conference, Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom, 30 June – 02 July 2010)
4. Velikova, R., N.Koltcheva, A.Kisselova, Personality Charactaristics of Patients with Burning Mouth Syndrome, Poster, Annual Assembly of International Medical Association Bulgaria (IMAB), 12-15 May 2011, Varna, Bulgaria
5. Djonev, S., N.Koltcheva, Out-of-university Training Courses for Psychology Students in Bulgaria and their Mental Reality: A Discourse Analysis, Poster, PLAT2012, Vilnius, Lithuania (Psychology Learning and Teaching Conference, Vilnius University, Lithuania, 28-30 June 2012)
6. Koltcheva, N., Personal Characteristics of Psychology Students in Bulgaria and Their Evaluation of University Education, Poster, PLAT2012, Vilnius, Lithuania (Psychology Learning and Teaching Conference, Vilnius University, Lithuania, 28-30 June 2012)
7. Колчева, Н., Междуличностното приемане-отхвърляне, VII Национален конгрес по психология – 31.10-2.11.2014 г., София
8. Колчева, Н., Теория за междуличностното приемане-отхвърляне (IPARTh) – методи, доказателства и практически приложения, Научна конференция с международно участие „Комуникативни и емоционално-поведенчески нарушения“, 12 – 14.12.2014 г., София
9. Koltcheva, N., L.Djalev, (2017). Parental Rejection in Childhood and Long-term Consequences in Adulthood, EFPA 15th European Congress of Psychology (ECP 2017), 11-14 July 2017, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
10. Koltcheva, N., S.Staykova, E.Andonova, G.Markova, D.Atanasov, R.Antonova, Study of the Practice for Developmental Psychological Assessment of Children 0 to 7 Years of Age and the Assessment Instruments Specialists in Bulgaria Use, 16th WAIMH World Congress to be held in Rome, Italy, 26-30 May 2018, http://www.waimh2018.org/index.html
1. Ates, G., K.Hollander, N.Koltcheva, S.Krstic, F.Parada, (2011). EURODOC Survey I: The First Eurodoc Survey on Doctoral Candidates in Twelve European Countries. Descriptive report. Eurodoc, the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers. ISBN 978-3-00-035843-2. http://www.eurodoc.net/sites/default/files/attachments/2017/144/eurodocsurveyireport2011.pdf
2. Атанасова-Трифонова, М., Пенева, Л., Стоянова, Юл., Янчева, И., Ядкова, Л., Мутафчиева, М., Колчева, Н. (2014). Стандарти за развитие и учене в ранното детство: от раждането до три години. Булвест 2000. София.
3. Атанасова-Трифонова, М., Атанасов, Д., Пенева, Л., Андонова, Е., Мутафчиева, М., Колчева, Н. (2014). Скрининг тест за тригодишни деца: Ръководство. Булвест 2000. София. ISBN 978-954-18-0910-5
4. Атанасова-Трифонова, М., Атанасов, Д., Пенева, Л., Андонова, Е., Мутафчиева, М., Колчева, Н. (2014). Скрининг тест за тригодишни деца: Стимулна книжка. Булвест 2000. София.
5. Machado, F., S.Fonseca, V.P.Senese, A.Lo Presti, R.Marcone, C.Nasti, R.Massaro, I.Sergi, N.Koltcheva, S.Dragova, V.Doycheva, V.Mihaylova, S.Vassileva, M.Simeonov, A.Boneva, D.Momcheveva, M.Carrasco, F.Holgado-Tello, J.Perez-Gonzalez, M.Rodriguez-Serrano, P.Marquez, Y.Pavlova, M.Bianco, A.Mercogliano, M.De Pasquale, M.Pavone, C.Zoto, V.Panagopoulou, (2021). Professions Guide, G-Guidance project.
6. Pontes, A., F.Machado, M.Carrasco-Ortiz, N.Koltcheva, S.Dragova, (2022). G-Guidance Career Guidance Professions Methodology Manual, G-Guidance project.
7. Pontes, A., F.Machado, M.Carrasco-Ortiz, N.Koltcheva, S.Dragova, (2022). G-Guidance Training and Users’ Manual, G-Guidance project.
Глави от книги / Части от книги
1. Koltcheva, N., (2008). Case Study – Bulgaria – Sofia University, in Kalman, A., Pauschenwein, J., Sandtner, H., Hoffmann, K., Koltcheva, N., Atanasova, M., Karjalainen, A., Airaksinen, P. et al. (2008). Case studies in the development and qualification of university teachers in Europe, Debrecen, Hungary, NETTLE Thematic Network Project, ISBN 978-963-87523-5-2.
2. Koltcheva, N., (2011), Chapter D: Training and Supervision, in Ates, G., K.Hollander, N.Koltcheva, S.Krstic, F.Parada, (2011). EURODOC Survey I: The First Eurodoc Survey on Doctoral Candidates in Twelve European Countries. Descriptive report. Eurodoc, the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers. ISBN 978-3-00-035843-2. http://www.eurodoc.net/sites/default/files/attachments/2017/144/eurodocsurveyireport2011.pdf
3. Koltcheva, N., (2011), Chapter F: Academic Work, in Ates, G., K.Hollander, N.Koltcheva, S.Krstic, F.Parada, (2011). EURODOC Survey I: The First Eurodoc Survey on Doctoral Candidates in Twelve European Countries. Descriptive report. Eurodoc, the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers. ISBN 978-3-00-035843-2. http://www.eurodoc.net/sites/default/files/attachments/2017/144/eurodocsurveyireport2011.pdf
4. Koltcheva, N., (2022). Countries’ Overviews. General Idea and Description, in Koltcheva, N., V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Development for Children aged 0 to 7 years old: European Countries Overviews Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-213-6.
5. Koltcheva, N., (2022). Countries’ Overviews. The Process of Writing, in Koltcheva, N., V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Development for Children aged 0 to 7 years old: European Countries Overviews Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-213-6.
6. Koltcheva, M., G.Markova-Derelieva, N.Koltcheva, (2022). Armenia, in Koltcheva, N., V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Development for Children aged 0 to 7 years old: European Countries Overviews Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-213-6.
7. Koltcheva, M., N.Koltcheva, (2022). Azerbaijan, in Koltcheva, N., V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Development for Children aged 0 to 7 years old: European Countries Overviews Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-213-6.
8. Koltcheva, M., N.Koltcheva, (2022). Belarus, in Koltcheva, N., V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Development for Children aged 0 to 7 years old: European Countries Overviews Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-213-6.
9. Koltcheva, N., (2022). Bulgaria, in Koltcheva, N., V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Development for Children aged 0 to 7 years old: European Countries Overviews Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-213-6.
10. Koltcheva, M., N.Koltcheva, (2022). Georgia, in Koltcheva, N., V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Development for Children aged 0 to 7 years old: European Countries Overviews Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-213-6.
11. Koltcheva, M., N.Koltcheva, (2022). Russian Federation, in Koltcheva, N., V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Development for Children aged 0 to 7 years old: European Countries Overviews Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-213-6.
12. Koltcheva, N., (2022). Assessment of Social and Emotional Development in Early and Preschool Years. The Process of Compiling the European Social and Emotional Skills Assessment Measures Compendium, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
13. Koltcheva, N., (2022). BASC-3 BESS: Behavior Assessment System for Children, Second Edition- Behavioral and Emotional Screening System, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
14. Pontes, A., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, B.Barat, N.Koltcheva, (2022). CBQ: Children’s Behavior Questionnaire, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
15. Koltcheva, M., N.Koltcheva, (2022). CBQ: COR Advantage: HighScope’s Child Observation Record, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
16. Koltcheva, N., (2022). DECA-I: Devereux Early Childhood Assessment for Infants, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
17. Koltcheva, N., (2022). DECA-P2: Devereux Early Childhood Assessment for Preschoolers, Second Edition, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
18. Koltcheva, N., (2022). DECA-T: Devereux Early Childhood Assessment for Toddlers, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
19. Koltcheva, N., (2022). ECBQ: Early Childhood Behavior Questionnaire (Rothbart Temperament Scales), in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
20. Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, Pontes, A., B.Barat, (2022). IBQ-R: Infant Behavior Questionnaire (Rothbart Temperament Scales), in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
21. Pontes, A., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, B.Barat, N.Koltcheva, M.Koltcheva, (2022). INTER-NDA: Intergrowth 21st Neurodevelopment Assessment, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
22. Koltcheva, M., N.Koltcheva, (2022). PANAS: Positive and Negative Affect Scale, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
23. Koltcheva, M., N.Koltcheva, (2022). PKBS-2: Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scales, Second Edition, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
24. Koltcheva, N., (2022). PSRA: Preschool Self-Regulation Assessment, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
25. Koltcheva, N., (2022). RCMAS-2: Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale, Second Edition, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
26. Koltcheva, N., (2022). SCBE-30: Social Competence and Behavior Evaluation, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
27. Koltcheva, N., (2022). SCBE-80: Social Competence and Behavior Evaluation Scale, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
28. Koltcheva, M., N.Koltcheva, (2022). SDQ: Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
29. Koltcheva, N., (2022). SDQP: Self-Description Questionnaire for Preschoolers, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
30. Koltcheva, N., (2022). Sociometric Ratings and Nominations, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
31. Koltcheva, N., (2022). SP 2: Sensory Profile 2, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
32. Koltcheva, N., (2022). SSIS: Social Skills Improvement System, Rating Scale, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
33. Koltcheva, N., (2022). STEP: Southampton Test of Empathy for Preschoolers, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
34. Koltcheva, M., N.Koltcheva, (2022). SCWT: Stroop Color and Word Test: Children's Version, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
35. Koltcheva, N., (2022). TEC: Test of Emotion Comprehension, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
36. Koltcheva, N., (2022). TOL: Tower of London Task, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
37. Koltcheva, M., N.Koltcheva, C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). EDI: Early Development Instrument, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
38. Koltcheva, M., N.Koltcheva, (2022). iPIPS: International Performance Indicators in Primary Schools, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
39. Koltcheva, N., (2022). PEDICAT: Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory, Computer Adaptive Test, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
40. Koltcheva, M., N.Koltcheva, (2022). PEDS: Parents' Evaluation of Developmental Status, in Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4.
41. Koltcheva, N., (2022). EU-Self project. General Idea and Overview, in Koltcheva, N., A.Mujezinovic, A.Dizdarevic. (2022). Social and Emotional Skills in Early and Preschool Age Children. EU-Self Project. ISBN: 978-619-233-215-0 (online)
42. Koltcheva, N., (2022). EU-Self Project’s Partners, in Koltcheva, N., A.Mujezinovic, A.Dizdarevic. (2022). Social and Emotional Skills in Early and Preschool Age Children. EU-Self Project. ISBN: 978-619-233-215-0 (online)
43. Koltcheva, N., (2022). Learning from Experience, in Koltcheva, N., A.Mujezinovic, A.Dizdarevic. (2022). Social and Emotional Skills in Early and Preschool Age Children. EU-Self Project. ISBN: 978-619-233-215-0 (online)
44. Koltcheva, N., (2022). The Educational Context in Partner Countries, in Koltcheva, N., A.Mujezinovic, A.Dizdarevic. (2022). Social and Emotional Skills in Early and Preschool Age Children. EU-Self Project. ISBN: 978-619-233-215-0 (online)
45. Koltcheva, N., (2022). Case studies, in Koltcheva, N., A.Mujezinovic, A.Dizdarevic. (2022). Social and Emotional Skills in Early and Preschool Age Children. EU-Self Project. ISBN: 978-619-233-215-0 (online)
46. Koltcheva, N., B.Hofvander, D.Djamnezhad, C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, M.Achten, C.Piovano, E.Kolumban, D.Berekvolgyi, A.Mujezinovic, (2022). EU-Self Project Glossary, in Koltcheva, N., A.Mujezinovic, A.Dizdarevic. (2022). Social and Emotional Skills in Early and Preschool Age Children. EU-Self Project. ISBN: 978-619-233-215-0 (online)
1. Kalman, A. (Ed); Pauschenwein, J.; Sandtner, H.: Hoffmann, K.; Koltcheva, N.; Atanasova, M.; Karjalainen, Asko; Airaksinen, Paula et al. (2008) Case studies in the development and qualification of university teachers in Europe, Debrecen, Hungary, NETTLE Thematic Network Project, ISBN 978-963-87523-5-2.
2. Stankova, M., N.Koltcheva, (2011). Special Abilities And Talents - Patterns Of Cognitive Processes In People With Disabilities, ISBN 978-954-535-728-2, published in http://ebox.nbu.bg/sa/, Lifelong Learning Programme, 2011 - ERA - IP – 3
3. Darvay, S., Koltcheva, N., & Berekvolgyi, D. (Eds.) (2021). FINE! Food and Nutrition in the early childhood education and care. Arca Cooperative Sociale, Firenze, ISBN 978-963-489-334-9
4. Darvay, S., Koltcheva, N., & Berekvolgyi, D. (Eds.) (2021). FINE! Recipes. Healthy, Balanced, Tasty and Appetizing Recipes for Families. Arca Cooperative Sociale, Firenze, ISBN 978-963-489-335-6
5. Колчева, Н., Г.Петрова, (2021). FINE! Храна и хранене в образованието и грижите в ранна детска възраст, Galileo Progetti Ltd., Будапеща, ISBN 978-619-188-606-7
6. Колчева, Н., Г.Петрова, (2021). FINE! Рецепти. Здравословни, балансирани, вкусни и апетитни рецепти за семейства. Проект FINE!, ISBN: 978-619-188-605-0
7. Koltcheva, N., V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Development for Children aged 0 to 7 years old: European Countries Overviews Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-213-6
8. Koltcheva, N., Wastijn, B., Achten, M., Van Rossem, L. & Costa, I. S (2022). Programs for Social and Emotional Skills Development for Early and Preschool Children Applied in European Countries. Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-211-2
9. Koltcheva, N., C.Peixoto, V.Coelho, (2022). Social and Emotional Competences and Development of Children Aged Zero to Seven: European Assessment Measures Compendium. EU-SELF Project. ISBN 978-619-233-217-4
10. Koltcheva, N., A.Mujezinovic, A.Dizdarevic. (2022). Social and Emotional Skills in Early and Preschool Age Children. EU-Self Project. ISBN: 978-619-233-215-0 (online)
11. Драгова, С., Н.Колчева, (2023). Методология за кариерно ориентиране, Наръчник, Проект G-Guidance, ISBN 978-619-92482-2-5, https://eprints.nbu.bg/id/eprint/4779/
12. Колчева, Н., С.Драгова, Й.Павлова, В.Дойчева, (2023). Наръчник на професиите, Проект G-Guidance, ISBN 978-619-92482-0-1, https://eprints.nbu.bg/id/eprint/4780/
13. Колчева, Н., С.Драгова, Й.Павлова, (2023). G-GUIDANCE. Ръководство за обучение на потребителите, Проект G-Guidance, ISBN 978-619-92482-1-8, https://eprints.nbu.bg/id/eprint/4781/